EC skill?

Only i think there is lot of mistake by CB this year?

EC invite depends only on names.

Maybe CB need more admins... or just new admins?
they got 4 new supervisors! dont need more admins
depends only on names
yes, thats why cdap is there
sub > rewind <3hype
maybe you need to shut the fuck up.
like you have any idea about EC skill...
like you have it
yes i have it
think about it again plz
atleast i played in EC.
i suggest you just to stfu.
at least u suggest things... thats nice from u
Agree. Overload for EC.
wuuuuhuuuuuu sub is not in ec wuuuuuhuuuuuu
EC sucks ?! (!)
sub for EC tbh, r0x0rs imo. Shoutout to miXer
Morrigu got in even though we don't have a "big" name at all :) I think you're wrong when you say only names get invited.
Morrigu got in thanks to you, partyboy.
morrigu is an except... btw there is big names too :) mainly after "romeo" joined :P
I guess we showed that we don't need teKoa to be a good team =) but seriously do you really think CB invited us just because of teKoa? If they did they're fucking retards, but they're not. Anyway we do have a lot of really good players but none of them (exception of nrs & sem) have played EC before, so you can't really say we a "big" names.
no morrigu was good as a team not only players... i said they r an except... but i just showed tekoa is a great name...
lakaii is a big name! omg he plays for norway national side ffs!!
Lakaii came out of nowhere if u ask me !
i heard he hax...!!! :D :D :D
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