Another Bozar's trip

Hi, this time I was in Berlin, Amsterdam, Bruxelles, London and Paris.

Berlin - By my feelings the richest city I was in. I saw Bugatti Veyron, nice business centre and so on.

Germany - Almost all the time driving on three lane highway, very pleasant.

Amsterdam - If anyone from the netherlands is gonna call Czech republic poor, let alone third world country, I am gonna laugh. Of course not all but a lot of dutch ET players were really bigheaded while talking about Czech republic. I can tell you for sure that Prague eats cities like Amsterdam for breakfast. The city was so poor!! Homeless shameful people, nobody was buying anything on the streets, only bitches without any business, old cheap cars and old rusty public bicycles. Though they had some nice historic buildings. But everyone was speaking fluent english, very nice.

The Netherlands - God, those people drive like seniors in the CZE. 120 kph maximum, NOBODY was going faster! On the other hand their highways have 3 - 6 lanes so it was easy to go 200 - 280 almost all the time.

Bruxelles - TERRIBLE traffic guidance, I had to leave. I literally ended between rabits.

London - Beatiful historic buildings. I was very nicely surprised that they keep huge green parks in the centre of the city. They also showed me sense of humour by some weird eggy building. I don't know what was inside, do you? I think there are more black people than white people. A lot of people from india, arabia and japan. Quite good traffic guidance. Friendly people. It was nice. Also taximen know everything so you can always ask them.

England - It sucks that you have to go by train or a boat on the island. I wanted to drive. Driving on your left is quite hard when you sit on the left side but it was OK because those people let you go and so on. Exact opposite of Paris, they try to kill you on a road.

Paris - They try to kill you on a road. They drive very bad, many women are driving in the city. Nobody lets you go in front of them, they rather crash to your trunk. Going from lane to lane is mostly impossible. I was on Eiffel tower, that was amazing. I have seen the buildings in the centre and those were definately more interesting that the ones in London. That huge building with logo Total on it made me interested because that company had like 10 buildings in the centre of the city. By the end I went to disney land next to Paris. Only 2 nice and a bit exciting roller coasters and like 3 other good attractions, it was nice, not awesome, but nice. I have seen some incredibly beautiful black girls.

France - They drive crazy in the city and slow like hell on highways, I don't get it.

Overall french girls looked good, british girls were OK, german girls were OK, but a bit fat, dutch girls were so ugly they almost made me scrape out my eyes. French girls are still much worse than czech girls. Czech girls are much worse than polish girls. Polish girls are worse than serbian girls and serbian girls were much much worse than montenegrian girls, that was like different world!

And by the way I have read that dutch people are taller than serbian people. What bullshit. I was normal in the netherlands and I am 180 cm tall. I was the smallest kitty in Montenegro and my friend that is 190 was a little boy there. And I am 100% serious. :)))
Bozar at lan would have been far more interesting
ET players would not let me go... :)
ET players would love you to go.
QuoteThe Netherlands - God, those people drive like seniors in the CZE. 120 kph maximum, NOBODY was going faster! On the other hand their highways have 3 - 6 lanes so it was easy to go 200 - 280 almost all the time.

You're so full of shit.
Actually you are... poor bastard, now I am gonna make fun of your economical situation. :)

And btw I have it all on my camera so continue in annoying me and I will upload it... 120 kph, all of them!
Don't bother, I really don't need to see you driving like a lunatic again.
I don't know what you on about but the Netherlands have one of the best city infrastructures, also it is just about where you are at in the city..

but of course if you were looking for nice cars and shit Amsterdam is the wrong place for you
Yep, we all know Netherlands is a 3rd world country with no highways at all. And above all, they don't believe in GOD, since all of them are muslims!
LOL'ed at work...
Good the boss waasn't here yet D:
Paris - They try to kill you on a road. They drive very bad, many women are driving in the city. Nobody lets you go in front of them, they rather crash to your trunk. Going from lane to lane is mostly impossible

sounds like you didnt have a good time in nl
Actually I had. I was laughing almost all the time except the time I could not get out from carpark, stupid system of paying.

French people had some good ideas, with their little traffic lights so you can see them even with a sports car. Also they don't have two gas stations on each side. They have only one gas station on one side and a bridge. Intereting difference.
anyway tl;dr
List of countries by GDP per capita

#9 Netherlands
#36 Czech Republic
Haha, exactly what I was expecting. You earn 2 times more money and everything costs 4 times more in your country do the math... I don't wanna be rude, I am just speaking about what I have seen to calm some of your mates down.
What you're basically saying is that we have more money to buy more expensive stuff. Yet we're poor? Something's wrong here.
Even an idiot would understand what I said. :)
you get as much stuff as cze do. the only difference is that you pay 2x and cze pay 1x for example.

Not hard to read, dude :D
That is what economy is called. Why would a bakery sell a bread for 50 cents if he can ask 1 euro for it. Dutch people have plenty of money so there's not need for low prices.
ROFL! Typical troll speaking obvious nonsense. :D
Have fun being poor.
Exactly what I was talking about. Poor country like shit and those people even try offend other people and other countries by talking about money. I earn 100 times more than average people in your country and I never tried to humiliate anyone just because he is poor.
Quoteand I never tried to humiliate anyone just because he is poor.

Because you're full of shit.
have you ever heard of purchasing power??? it's far higher here...
Take the criticism dude. And he has a point btw.
He can't really "take" criticism that's directed to a country, unless he is in charge of that country.
Asshole, you got my point very clearly.
I really don't.
"Take the criticism"


Who says I'm not in charge?!
By the way I just checked it a bit more.

95 Albania 7,453
92 Bosnia and Herzegovina 7,782

In fact Albania is like 5 times poorer than Bosnia.
Berlin - By my feelings the richest city I was in. I saw Bugatti Veyron, nice business centre and so on.

not true - i stopped readin
That was the part I was not sure about so I said "By my feelings"

I was there just a few hours but I stand behind my words. I have that feeling. :)
Paris - They try to kill you on a road. They drive very bad, many women are driving in the city.

stopped reading

german girls were OK, but a bit fat,


germany win cause we can have no speedlimit muhahahahaa !:DDDD
Driving in Paris is rly strange when u are not from Paris. They are all so stressed. driving so fast. It's a bit dangerous. There is a lot of "Cork traffic"???

I'm not a macho man but girls in France are not great drivers.
QuoteParis - They try to kill you on a road. They drive very bad, many women are driving in the city. Nobody lets you go in front of them, they rather crash to your trunk. Going from lane to lane is mostly impossible.

*What I saw from your previous driving video, you are the one who are trying to kill people, idiot.
that guy... xD keep cheating in ET rather than write bullshit.
I think it is about the charm that the city has and about the people not about what cars they drive and how nice there business centers are
I agree. That's why I said London was nice. I have not seen any nice business center. I have not even seen any special cars. Some Jaguars, Bentleys and Aston Martins, not many and nothing else. Read... :)
You sure you were in London :D
lemme guess u did read first sentence only!
i made it until Amsterdam ^^
here in california we have 4 gas stations on each corner....
czech is 4th world, that's obvious
gtfo out of our country and go back to your 3rd world country then kankermongol!!!

on a serious note: nigga pls!! the netherlands is way more developed then czech republic, we got more purchasing power and shiit (almost like double of urs)
:D Poor angry tard. Get a psychiatrist. And also a math teacher.
i'm gonna stop caring about ur comments now, ur clearly a retard
Get a second job so you have money to go to school and learn something. Poor dutch dickhead. :D
So about Amsterdam, that city is most likely more rich th atn your whole freaking country, homeless ppl? no way have you seen paris? 12x times as more of those and i wouldnt call that a poor city? old rusty bikes? all from students who don;t want new bikes cuz if they stall them somewhere otherwise theyre stolen the next day.

yes amsterdam looks 'old' and historic but thats the charm of the city instead of beeing super hyper moder or anything

about the speed? thats cuz its forced and if you drive harder and get catched you get a fine of 100+ euro or lose ur drivers license, and anyway i wouldnt want my country with fucking idiots like you on the road or our casualties by car accidents number grows three times as high as it is already now.

get ur shit together before you judge cuz youre one of the most retarded, one sided, narrow minded faggots ive ever seen.
so much bullshit
from you indeed. how is my stuff bullshit, it's all facts besides the first sentance...

p.s... cunt
That's why I got 60 comments including yours. And by the way nice capital letters big boy.
fucking euros think they so rich rofl
Stalker ^^

Zurich, hmm much traffic in the center but all the cars look nice & good. The hotel i slept in was really nice & had an excellent central location with a view on the lake/river. Shared the room with some pretty girl so ye was nice.

Switserland in general is a beautiful wealthy country, & the people know how to live the life. The license plates are cool & zumikon is a nice town with cool public transport ^^. The people there (one girl i know) are really beautiful :$.
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