I need to cook!

In a couple of weeks im alone here with my gf and I need to cook everyday. Can someone name some 2 person dishes to make for the weeks I have to cook?
pierogi (dumplings) :D
image: roesti_rondjes_600g_large

Yesteday I had them;) Never had them before:D
/q United Kingdom Wakizashi
cheese grilled sandwiches
Fondue! <3
Saturday, Dave pro @ cooking will roll another BBQ

image: 267618_10150300536901171_678126170_9663857_2114953_n
just looking at that made me fucking hungry
tbh it put me of my food. I mean those sausages look fucking burnt
I didn't pay attention to them, only dat meat
amateur, flames are a no-go at bbq
kaas/chocolade fondue! romantisch!
Chicken + rice + sour cream + potatoes + some easily cooked meat in the oven + macaroni(pasta) + winers

And cooking is easy. Lived a year in a dorm now and I sometimes randomly took a recipe and just cooked after that. Not so hard:)

On the other, you have the gf. just tell her "Go back to the kitchen, woman"

go out or feed her cock all day
why dont u ask ur gf to cook?
btw its kinda easy, i can make like 10-20 dishes and I never really learnt cooking anywhere
image: panorama_jauhislihaa
image: makaroni_284105n

mix them up, perfect meal

oh and ofc you need some onions too
maggi fix für bolognese? wie low ist das denn bitte xD
anscheinend weiß er ja nicht wie man kocht?! dann sol er was leichtes machen. ich nehme da normalerweise passierte tomaten,tomatenmark, oregano und ein wenig gemüsebrühe für..
aaaaaaah ok. ja so gesehn machts natürlich sinn :p
QuoteIn a couple of weeks im alone here with my gf and I need to cook everyday.

something wrong there

useless girl
thought its the easiestfor a man. thats why i didnt pick smth else... .
i can cook and im a guy!!
i see what u did there
i did read
i need cock
noodles, cottage cheese + tuna.
Let her cook :D
make her cook* :D
same shit :D
she has an option when you use the word let haha
pizza, kant en klaar maaltijden, bapoa, GHB en tostis. en je hebt sexy time
Ga chilli maken. Is fking fijn. Staat op achterkant van honig pakje "Mix voor chilli concarne" hoe je moet maken. Snel klaar en is fijn
1. Take potatoes, cut them into pieces. Put some cheese, ham, and tomatoes. Put it to the oven, 200 degrees, like 40-50 mins (just check from time to time if potatoes are soft enough if you do it 1st time) => potato casserole

2. Boil noodles, fry a mince on a frying pan, add some sauce / buy some ready one => spaghetti

3. Hash chickenbreasts and add some spice. Let it lay in the frdge for like an hour so that the meat will taste better. After that time fry some onions, mushrooms and carrots on a frying pan. scatter it with basil. After few minutes (15-20) add hashed chickenbreasts. Boil rice additionally. You can add paprica to frying pan as well so that it will be more colourful. Mix it together => chicken meal

4. Buy frozen fillet of fish, steam it using steamer, add some spice. Boil rice. Add dill pickles => classic fish meal

5. Decent sex in the kitchen and take her out for some shit cause you got no time for cooking anymore (pizza, w/e) => fast food

6. Buy some sausages. Cut them in a way you cut hot-dogs. Put cheese inside. Wrap it with bacon. Put it into oven for 5-7 mins (check how they re doing :P). Boil potatoes. Add some salad => sausage meal

7. Tell her it's enough of cooking for you and she should do the job !

I planned an entire week for you Josh, waiting for a story, what happened in those days :P
3. I always do the chicken first then the rest :X
Onions, mushrooms and carrot need more time on a frying pan :) Then chicken, then the rest
try buying DouchebagQuickMix from a supermarket

Epic Meal Time!
Stir Fry is nice and easy, Chilli is easy, do stuff with salad cause it's easy to prepare it fills you up and its healthy :> Easy oven foods? Burgers chips etc?
Pasta is an obvious choice.
image: pizza_schinken
* 6 * 7 * number-of-weeks
pulpety z biedronki
just look for some meals at AH.nl, surely something what you like
gay song closed after 10 secs
Ramen. Easiest shit in the world. Or Sushi
Ziti (italian) or soemthign similar (basicly any pasta-oven-dish)

easy to make, looks great, tastes great, impresses the gf/wife the first time and will get you laid for sure.
3-Burger King
4-Taco Bell
5-Pizza Hut
7-A soup and a salad.
fucking girls belong in the kitchen
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