l3et h4xx0r n33d4d

ok is it possible that i only have
weaponbank 3,
weaponbank 4,
weaponbank 5
when i change my weapon with MWHEELUP or MWHEELDOWN ?

yes it can, but not going to script it @ school

edit scripted @ school nothing better to do,
smth like:

set nextweap "vstr weap1"
set lastweap "vstr weap3"
set weap1 "weaponbank 3; set nextweap "vstr weap2"; set lastweap "vstr weap1""
set weap2 "weaponbank 4; set nextweap "vstr weap3"; set lastweap "vstr weap2""
set weap3 "weaponbank 5; set nextweap "vstr weap1"; set lastweap "vstr weap3""
bind MWHEELUP "vstr nextweap"
bind MWHEELDOWN "vstr lastweap"

duno if it works, but it should (i think)
ok thx
but the only prob is, i can toogle it with MWHEELUP but if i wanna toogle back with MWHEELDOWN , nothing happens :(

edit: perforator already did it thx anyway
duno what the prob is don't have ET here anymore to test, formatted usbdrive and forgot to place ET back on it :(
yes it is possible, but you will also need a button to reset that toggle all the time which would suck hard. if you really want it then reply to this post
ok lets see if it is comfortable for me :)
here goes then
goes here then
then here goes
here then goes
goes then here ?
bind mwheelup "vstr weaponswitch"
bind mwheeldown "vstr prevweapon"

set weaponswitch "vstr weaponswitch1"
set prevweapon "vstr prevweapon1"

set weaponswitch1 "weaponbank 3; set weaponswitch "vstr weaponswitch2"; set prevweapon "vstr prevweapon3""
set weaponswitch2 "weaponbank 4; set weaponswitch "vstr weaponswitch3"; set prevweapon "vstr prevweapon1""
set weaponswitch3 "weaponbank 5; set weaponswitch "vstr weaponswitch1"; set prevweapon "vstr prevweapon2""
set prevweapon1 "weaponbank 3; set weaponswitch "vstr weaponswitch2"; set prevweapon "vstr prevweapon3""
set prevweapon2 "weaponbank 4; set weaponswitch "vstr weaponswitch3"; set prevweapon "vstr prevweapon1""
set prevweapon3 "weaponbank 5; set weaponswitch "vstr weaponswitch1"; set prevweapon "vstr prevweapon2""

is one way to do it. with mwheelup you scroll to weaponbank 3;4;5 and with mwheeldown you scroll to the previous weaponbank but only over 3;4;5.
ok thats exactly what i wanted, thx
for(Noob k : noob) {
nice scripting skillz
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