hb sNoOpinator.

Even if he egoquit the lan and still owes me 3 € hes a cool guy to talk to, at least for me.

So, happy birthday mate, cu next LAN?! (troll incoming).
Happy birthday snoop
bad loser, still deserves a happy bday wish! :)
hbday snoop

and how he is loser just cuz he left the LAN?
Quote by flopje1st there were still the Consolation tournament 2nd he could say anthing to us or to the person he had to drive back to germany
hows he a bad loser...he lost, left the lan afterwards, thats not a bad thing, i would leave lan too if i lose, no point to stay there any longer :D
1st there were still the Consolation tournament 2nd he could say anthing to us or to the person he had to drive back to germany
thanks for pointing that out instead of me :)
oh well yeh, thats not very nice from him ;/
actually its bullshit from him.
It first i thought he would be a nice guy (beside the actions i've heard before about him)
but after he done that everything is gone and i would never go to lan with him again.
leaving mates alone at lan aint nice especially if they rely on you to bring them back
Agree with felix.
But happy birthday snoopji
Happy birthday! :)
hb great player
hb for ya
alles gute
1. Go to LAN with a good lineup
2. Team don't play as expected
3. Don't make it out of groups
4. RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Abandon teammates and throw headset and mouse in bin
6. ???????????????????????????????????
7. No profit. AT ALL!
Quote5. Abandon teammates and throw headset and mouse in bin

did he actually do that?
Yup. Somebody from his team was talking about how they found them in the bin.
that's crazy stuff he did i take my words bak
1. Go to LAN with a good lineup

2. Team don't play as expected

3. Don't make it out of groups

4. don't RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at all - i found it pretty funny as the trip was completely free for me anyway :>

5.1 Abandon "teammates" who showed straight disrespect to you all the time (special greets go out to toxic) and expected you to give them a couple of rides to the lan center and back to the hotel - oh no ^^, i'm nobodys bitch and especially not theirs

5.2 and throw headset and mouse in bin - i didn't throw my mouse to the bin, i threw both my old BROKEN headsets in there as i bought a new one on my way to lan. funny how my so called "teammates" were telling shit about that as they knew i bought a new one and the other ones were broken =)

6. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7. Profit. AT ALL! actually i have to laugh pretty hard when ever i tell this story

and btw, dont talk about stuff you dont know shit about ;)
Quotei found it pretty funny as the trip was completely free for me anyway :>

that justs tells how much of a bitch you actually are. Felix payed the whole trip for you, and you couldnt even bring it up to play the fucking consolation tournament?

Fucking pathetic retard
Wow, what a fucking prick!
xD you so mad man :z
Why do you even reply? You know how stupid people are, but one thing: even if they acted like faggots; why didn't you tell them that you will leave? You could have showed that you are better than them.

Happy birthday anyways though we haven't talked to each other anymore since ages :)
depends on the "disrespect".... if it was about whinings and shits like that than its fair :]
5.1 - che?

i would agree with u on the 'disrespect' part when a couple of people came back to our apartment for drinks when you were trying to sleep, there... fair enough. but you know that everything i say is just pure banter.

ah well, happy bday anyway tobias :)
gj leaving fendah in enschede....
happy birthday!
we know how stupid people are here, i know u werent upset or anything, u seemed rather chilled :)
however fendah was quite fucked when u left, went to the train station with him next day, he had to take a 8h train ride :DD
just stand up for yourself =)
Quote. RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You should'Ve renamed the Lan to RAGE instead of SAGE.

ois guade
hb kleiner mann :D
still deserves a Happy Bday
hb n00b
hb snoop
leave him the 3€ for a haircut
He already cut his hair as far as I read facebook!
hb snoopi :)
hb snoop
hb und ich benötige dringend ein Foto deiner Haarpracht.

hb snoopy!
yoooow! :3
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