Foootbaall WTF

I like football but i don't like the footballers salaries ..

Lionel Messi, Argentine (FC Barcelone) 31 millions d’euros/year
Cristiano Ronaldo, Portugal (Real Madrid) 27.5 millions d’euros
Wayne Rooney, Angleterre (Manchester United) 20.7 millions d’euros
Kaka, Brésil (Real Madrid) 19.3 millions d’euros
David Beckam, Angleterre (MLS Los Angeles) 19 millions d’euros
Ronaldodinho, Brésil () 18.3 millions d’euros
Carlos Tevez, Argentine (Manchester City) 15.4 millions d’euros
Franck Lampard, Angleterre (Chelsea) 14.2 millions d’euros
Fernando Torres, Espagne (Chelsea) 14 millions d’euros
Yaya Touré, Côte d’Ivoire (Manchester City), 13.8 millions d’euros
Thierry Henry, France (MLS, New-York), 13.6 millions d’euros
Bastian Schweinsteiger, Allemagne (Bayern Munich) 13.2 millions d’euros
Samuel Eto’o, Cameroun (Inter Milan) 13 millions d’euros
Philipp Lahm, Allemagne (Bayern Munich) 12.9 millions d’euros
Didier Drogba, Côte d’Ivoire (Chelsea), 12.8 millions d’euros
Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Suède (AC Milan), 12.5 millions d’euros
Franck Ribéry, France (Bayern Munich), 11.9 millions d’euros
Steven Gerrard, Angleterre (Liverpool), 11.7 millions d’euros
Carles Puyol, Espagne (Barcelone), 11.4 millions d’euros
Gianluigi Buffon, Italie (Juventus), 11.3 millions d’euros

Do they deserve this wages , doctors or students for example work haard (7years atleast) for little money compared to them and risk the court everyday ... WTF

This shit fucked my day ..
Yeh, I kinda agree with you, the salary they make is just retarded
i always wonder who are paying their salaries, where is that money coming from?
sponsors i guess
play fifa mate you will know how they get money, you're right with sponsors, but also with money of spectator, and after win or tournaments.
which idiots on this planet actually give a flying fuck about those comercial boards in the fields?

i mean how stupid can you be to think those things actually bring in money?
To be honest I think so too, but I guess managers think a bit different :D
when you see that sponsor somewhere else you'll think 'hmmm i know that one from somewhere' which is unintentionally going to make you remember that name
and in imaginationland , imaginary money gets deposit in their bank account
I will not have this discussion with you.
well pretty much from us by watching them play (tv incomes, stadium incomes, etc.)
why do you whine about it..just play football lol.
because it's too much mate .. and i think people who work very hard deserve that but footballers doesn't ..
yea i agree, they should get max around 20 mil per year. but still they work very hard too, most of them practice everyday for 30 years or so, ofc they enjoy doing it..but still.
Yet imagine all the social services Spain/England/... could provide if football players made 5 instead of 25 mio a year.
football has become more a story of money unlike before.
Hier kom je nog net niet aan denk ik ^^
Zal ie nooit aan komen ook. De absolute top is onhaalbaar voor de meeste. De vraag is over Christian Eriksen ooit bij Barcelona gaat voetballen. Als ik hem zie denk ik van wel, maar er komt nog wel meer bij kijken. Hij moet zich verder ontwikkelen.
Agree, although i wouldn't really mind to get such salary :>
This have been discussed so many times, everyone knows it and you won't change a thing with journal on CF
i didn't post that to change something , i just wanted to share it with you to know your opinions .. aren't you oneofTHEM ?
there is nothing to share, everyone knows that their salary is too big
QuoteRonaldodinho, Brésil () 18.3 millions d’euros


when a team win a game @ cl, they win a lot of money, but ye, its too much money.
google --> highest paid footballers 2011 ..
NERD this not the salaris what they get, this with sponsors and other shtits.
it's still MONEY .. fuckface
Who cares idiot? Why should we need a fair life? Who cares, Same as you work for a boss. And you work 8 hours on a day. But you work seriously 6 hours. Are you working then 2 more hours on a day? Sometimes you sms or chatting mails, internet, coffee corner, long pause. dude care.
the idiot here is the guy who's not talking about the subject .. IDIOT
Money control the world.
There is someone lacking from third place
That brazialian who moved china this week got 200 000e/per week salary :)

You have to be good in football if you want to get something, doctors etc get same wage no matter what they do. Celebrities lose their privacy so I think money is good reward for it?
Plus footballers have a lot less working years than doctors or somebody with a normal job, so it makes sense to give them more money so that they can survive the rest of their lives without having to struggle for money.
with one year salary they could live for the rest of their lives :D
Lol so true.
ye, he shud be 3rd on the list
That's what I said before??????
didnt saw that soz
the most clubs like, manchester united, barcelona or madrid have a lot of liabilities
barcelona got 200millions euro cause they sold a part of their ground.
bak from kluyb
d'fuck off
if ur good at smthin, u get payed
its that izi

QuoteThis shit fucked my day ..

how could u not have known that before
I like languages but i don't like the french language .
no wonder why the world was in recession
its mostly from their own sponsors...

messi, ronaldo get like 12m € from their clubs
schweinsteiger+lahm = overrated, i think they both get like 9m €
someone is j3lly :D
footballers salaries are far too big.
seems you are new to the economy
welcome to the real world!
If the clubs think they are worth it, why not?

Look at Christiano Ronaldo, he cost 90 (?) million euro for Real Madrid and within these 2 years they earned that money back already through sales of shirts, increased sponsorship, higher TV -contracts, better results in CL/La liga, can charge higher ticket prices, more exposure, etc...

Most money is mostly through individual sponsor contracts though. Real Madrid probably pays C. Ronaldo 10m but in total he earns 30m.

Yes it's obscene but that's how it works I guess. Being the best in a sport that is followed by hundreds of millions all over the globe is worth a lot for sponsors.
It's not only wages. For playing in Barcelona Messi earns around 11m euro per year. The rest comes from sponsors etc. and it is a bonus (a big one) for his superiority in football. Analogically with the rest of the players on your list, just the numbers are smaller.

Consider this: to become a top player you need to:
- have talent.
- train since you're a little kid. train fucking hard. people just don't realise that it's devoting everything for the sport. if you stop working, have some life problem, it is instantly visible on the pitch.
- have bones strong enough not to end up being unable to play football anymore in the age of 16.
- have a luck with correct career path, clubs on your way etc.
- dump your dreams about higher education. if something happens to you that you cant play football anymore, you are left without any skills.
and surely some more.

3. Still, I agree this all is fucking overpriced, but I guess it's none of their fault, it's nowaday's world. No idea how can you be angry on players that they earn so much. Be angry on the people who pay them that much. And then you realise you have to be angry on yourself, who watch football.
Quote3. Still, I agree this all is fucking overpriced, but I guess it's none of their fault, it's nowaday's world. No idea how can you be angry on players that they earn so much. Be angry on the people who pay them that much. And then you realise you have to be angry on yourself, who watch football.
If Nike can increase their sales by hundreds of millions of euro a year by sponsoring top players like Messi or Ronaldo, you could ask, why not? Their brand will be worth more when your brand is associated with the very best players. Young kids want to be Messi or Ronaldo, the best players, not Bojan Krkic allthoug he's famous aswell thats why wages for the best are so inflated. Turnover (sales of football clothes) will increase more when you sponsor Messi or Ronaldo then let's say Bojan Krkic.
that's what I mean. It ends up on customers, thus "be angry on yourself' :).

dont make me laugh, worst goalkeeper ever
best goalkeeper couple years ago :)
Am I the only one with the impression that this journal is the black hole of grammatical correctness on crossfire?
since when life is supposed to be fair? lol
Footballers are worth how much other people are willing to pay them.

The same as every other profession.
Agree, but this is just getting out of control. They should give them that much money only when they have it. And they don't really have it:D Look at barca and real.
It's gotten more out of control thanks to the likes of TV companies, and in the UK, Sky TV. Well from 2012 in the English Championship, league 1 and league 2, clubs can only pay a certain % of what they receive in revenue from sponsors, gate receipts etc for wages. Hopefully they implement this further across higher leagues.
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