Dragonball tonight

For everyone who is interested in Dragonball Revolution:

image: jobdskdd

:'D have to watch it !

image: yucn6xkl


Shittiest movie _EVER_
actualy not a super bad movie but cartoons and movies dont combine.
was on yesterday..

shit movie is shit.
didnt know they made a movie about Netherlands exceed's balls :~>
This movie was, well uhm ... shit. The final scene's special effects were prolly made by some 15 years old kid ...
Everyone who likes dragonball shouldn't watch this
shouldn't = should not?
srry only read should, my fault :(
noone commented chick yet ?
gay test, they failed it :D
just cause she is too hot for them ;)
not time its samba time in my city :DDDD
It is really bad.

Although it should be fucking hilarious to watch with the ridiculous German dub over it.
thats why i wanna watch it actually :D
chicka oO
its even worse than scatmans fragmovies
saw the preview this morning and was like "WTF" ... expect a really shit movie (if you consider you watched the cartoon 24/7, it simply can not live up to the expectations)
maybe who should gather some money and do our own imba db movie?
Its crap, its quite nice until the end which is when Goku finally uses his powers and they COMPLETELY fucked up the effects and ruined the entire movie. The beginning where he starts learning about his gift is actually quite amusing and not bad, really unfortunate that they fucked up the one and only real fight

Btw this movie is quite old (2008 i believe) and can be found pretty much everywhere
sucks! watch dragonball Z movies instead.
Seen like 10 secs of this shit and closed it. Couldn't let it ruin my vision of the real Dragonball
seen it like a year ago and got it on my pc!
not as good as i expected!
Goku being an emo , OK!
I already watched it. :P
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