Portuguese Surprise !

The Movistar team had two recruits who were destined to lead at the Tour de France in 2011 but then tragedy struck: Xavier Tondo died in an accident and soon afterwards Mauricio Soler crashed and sustained severe head injuries. In stage eight, their Portuguese opportunist took an unexpected victory…

Rui Costa has won the stage. It’s the first victory for Movistar in the Tour de France

next doping case
He deserved it, not that much of a suprise though, he's pretty good just not known yet
he's so known after his last tour ;D
homo sport
Rui Costa the ex football player?
not rly a spectator sport
say that to the huge following there :p
Was a nice stage although Gesink really had an off-day. At least, I hope it was an off-day and not a sign for stages to come ;(
OFF TOUR, vdb had an off day too, yet he finishes top :P
I have faith!
what a performance by Rui Costa...
didn't rui costa get busted @ the start of the season?

Long escape, and BMC being foolish at the front of the peloton. Bad timing, gilbert could've won
didn´t Contador get busted ?...
did i say he didn't get busted?
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