RazZaHs Music/Picbox
9 Jul 2011, 23:06
Some dubstep/dnb/liquid/whatever tracks just for you :3
for the haters: prolly there are some mainstreamtracks but i couldnt care less you undergroundrockerZzzzz
some trance :))
for the haters: prolly there are some mainstreamtracks but i couldnt care less you undergroundrockerZzzzz
some trance :))
here something to cheer u up
instaboner for some weeks ? D:
but with 2 arms @ casts cannot do anything ahhh ;)
also netsky sucks balls
Even if the language would be English, it would still suck. Some wnb-s trying to rap :D:D
if you'd understand the lyrics you'd be amazed.
Ppl who dont listen to those kind of bullshit will never find it and thus not dislike it. And I for example ddidnt press the button because I just couldnt care about it.
And if the lyrics are so good, they should write them down and publish them as a novel and it would be a favor to the humankind if they would stop trying to "rap" it. ( I put the rap in "" because it would be an insult to call that THING rap.
Don't get your point.
Shame on you.
noch was von meiner seite<3