Why God Hates Finland!

Finland is a part of Russia that pretends to be an independent country. Their favorite national activity is putting penis shaped pieces of granite in their behinds.

1. Finland has the worst education system on the planet. Except for granite polishing, no useful skills are taught to the Finnish youth. Finland is the only country in the world that has no universities. They simply do not have people that are smart enough to become teachers. 2 Peter 2:1-3

2. Finland used to be populated by Eskimos but all of those got killed in the Eskimo holocaust. There is not a single known Eskimo left living in Finland! Exodus 20:13

3. Helsinki Pride is the largest fag event on the planet! A hot steamy summer full of nasty perverts and their supporters (read Fag Enablers) walking the streets of doomed Finland. Over 11,000 took part in the filthy festivities and 4,000 in the parade. The smell of santorum lasts for weeks after this horrible event! Romans 1:26-27

4. Finland was especially cursed by God when He destroyed the Tower of Babel. He gave the Finns a completely unintelligible language, 84.5% of which is vowels. It is worse than Chinese or Hungarian. It is so bad that most of them have given up and just speak Swedish. Genesis 11:1-9

5. As many as 25,000 Finnish babies have been murdered each year by their brutish, filthy mothers in this country since 1973. Finland is the only country in the world where you can get an abortion in every supermarket! Exodus 20:13

6. As of 2002, about 51.2 % of Finnish marriages had been dissolved. No doubt because both partners decided to join the Helsinki Pride ofter aborting their unborn children. 1st Corinthians 7:2

7. Finland is a transit and destination country for women trafficked from Russia, China, Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, the Caucasus, Lithuania, Latvia, and Thailand to and through Finland to Sweden and other Western European countries for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Deuteronomy 22:28-29

8. Finland has the highest male suicide death rate in the world! No doubt because most of them have AIDS due to their gay lifestyle and they prefer dying fast over dying in agony. Exodus 20:13

9. Burglary is at an incredibly high rate in Finland, as high as 16.7 occurrences per 1,000 people, or 1.67%, putting them in the fifth highest spot by country. Exodus 20:15

10. Matti Saari (YouTube Gunman) killed students at Kauhajoki School of Hospitality on a massive rampage, spraying rooms with bullets and burning some students beyond recognition altogether, 11 were slain (including the gunman with a self-inflicted gun wound) and 2 others injured. Exodus 20:13


allso read about Why God Hates Norway and Why God Hates America
image: s0zQR

Norway's entire contribution the world consists of something called "black metal". A loud and noisy form of "music" consisting of filthy Goths having live anal sex on stage while they pierce eardrums with the most horrible sound on the planet. The picture on top of this article is how it looks. Note the upside down cross to mock our savior Jesus Christ. Norwegians don't consider black metal to be loud and noisy since all Norwegians are loud and noisy all the time. Everyone in Norway is born deaf. Psalm 65:7

Fun to read really
1. Finland has the worst education system on the planet. Except for granite polishing, no useful skills are taught to the Finnish youth. Finland is the only country in the world that has no universities. They simply do not have people that are smart enough to become teachers. 2 Peter 2:1-3

too bad everyone said the opposite :DD
what a troll site- no human being can be that dumb

laughed at the flag^^
so God hates America mostly because of its gayness ? :P gay in almost every sentence
hihi, people starving in Africa, hihi funny
It is making fun of religion and Jesus, not starving nigger-children of Africa.
thats why i replied to naco and not to butchji
And how did you come to the conclusion of naco laughing at starving niggers instead of the actual content of the picture?
United States of America bone thug?
Crazy website.
would read again
Nobody gets that this is a parody website? Weird
I just googled the same for holland, thought this was pretty funny:

Since everything in Holland is legal, they have a lot of empty prisons. No one in Holland knows what those are meant for. The Dutch are rumored to have a police force but they are too stoned to do anything useful with the exception of producing insane amounts of speeding tickets
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