I need your help

To buy new mouse.

Since some weeks ago,my mouse crosshair started to flip and freeze in ET.
I checked plugins,drivers,even formatted PC,nop,then I noticed that laser is not working correctly.So good bye old/4 years old) crap Logitech with 36acc.
I need your help to buy new one,my eye caught one:
E USB LASER/M6980 GIGABYTE: http://www.arvutikeskus.ee/est/TOOTEKATALOOG/LISASEADMED-Hiired19/103828
Is it good? Or is there better mouses in 25-30 euros?

ag0n,I used your IMAGE pictures at my personal website desing: http://genert.impact.pri.ee/desing/leht.html
wat looks weird?
The mouse look:D
It looks cool, just buy it I got it already 2 years !

awsm mouse
:XDDDDD on this pic indeed but its pure awesomeness under your hand!
Is your "broken" mouse turning on and off during ingame? By that I mean is the red light flickering?
I used my mouse at friendplace to test if my mouse works well,no,there was same problem,stucked and flipped.So how obv broken mouse.
your doing the right thing checking the mouse on another computer. However you didn't answer my question which was if the mouse light is turning on and off?

If it is than you can easily fix it by removing 2-3 cm of the mouse cord... The reason why the mouse freezes is that the cord has been bent and damaged inside the mouse. I'll tell you more if it's this problem you have.
The light doesnt turn off and on.
I think its because I used to OC hz-s.The max of mouse HZ-s was 200HZ,I used an tool to get 400HZ,I think that burned the laser off.
yea that could be the reason :(
The removing cord idea is good,Im gonna check it,does it work.
I had the issue where my mouse light was turning on and off but I managed to fix it by cutting and removing 2-3 cm of the cord from where it is entering the mouse to where the wires are connected to the chip. Then just solder the remaining wires together.
try cleaning your sensor wit cotton bud/use air canister?

but since you're asking what mouse to get, mx518...
Nah,I need anyway new mouse,this oldschool mouse gets annoying with stucking and flipping: http://ovhimg06.icplatform.com/A/20110526/tradusadsin/8/136758_1306421616_2_644x461.jpg
i got razer due to small hands

hows u today? slept good? lot of pains?
mh, could be better. waiting for someone to come so i can take medication as i cant get them :p but no sleep -,- you?
did sleep good tbh :) watched one piece and slept before midnight ;)
from tomorrow on i will drive with colleague to work. he picks me up at 7am ffs. :/

im allrdy tired^^
razer deathadder with the old sensor.
MX518 old version ftw =) Current one is doing strange after 6+ years so i will buy a new one today =)
can you help me with norwegian?
I could do my best :D
Domi, wat negeer je me laatste reply. Of is het waar?
Welke? =D Die van die pics, nee ofc ben ik da niet :D
g5 all the way!
oldschool Logitech MX510 > all

have had it for over 10 years and still works without problems.
laptop touchpad!


razer lachesis.
Osta mx518 :> , Kõige soodsam normaalne hiir
See on ju nii kole hiir:D
hakkad seda pildistama ja facebooki üles toppima et peab ilus olema? endal on ka see 3a olnud juba, imo kõige parem hiir ültse.
Mkm,tellin ära siis(:

Muideks ta polegi nii jubeda välimusega kui pildi peal tundub. Räigelt mugav hiir ka :)
Ei jahm,ega enne teada ei saa kui ei ole proovinud=)
alguses oli imelik , aga kui ppar päeva kasutasin siis harjusin ära ja tegelt on mugav :P
At your price range the Logitech mx518 is probably the best choice even tought it's hella ugly
since your budget is 25-30€ go for MX518

if you wanna spend a bit more get Razer DA
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