New smartphone Germany

Hi there cf,

im currently looking for a new smartphone, will use it most for phoning / sms / e-mail / fb / calendar / bit appstuff

was thinking of BB torch / BB bold - maybe even wait for the new 9900 or HTC Incredible S

what do you think? any more or new ideas?

htc incredible S is already out and 9900 is shit

get Samsung Galaxy 2 :) fastest phone out ther price about 700e
would like to spend less than 500€
htc sensation =)
htc sensation i heard
shit phone btw , laggs
i dont have it just friend of me :)
Samsung galaxy S2 > HTC Sensation

So go for the galaxy S2
its 700e but he can spend 500:X
He should invest :]
Afaik Apps on BB are a tad impractical so I'd go for an HTC.
just take the iphone, most reliable phone these days
so you all consider bb not really as an option? is the system of the sensation running smoothly without installing other roms? do you think i need the newest of newest stuff for my needs already?
blackberry sux and imo it is overrated. there is nothing much special to it.

if you want to do those stuff u mentioned above. i recommend: ipod touch then buy a random phone then you are ok!

you can also buy vertu so u can be dashing and flashy since you didnt show any budget or anything.
Quotewould like to spend less than 500€

i'm not looking for an mp3-player, i'm looking for a smartphone got an old iPod vido for the music stuff
have u tried an ipod touch? it has almost all of the features of the iphone. it can do calendars, iphone apps, fb, email, etc. all u need left is a random phone that can call and text.
"New" "smartphone" "Germany"


buy a gigabyte G1305 best quality/price ratio EVAH
better get Crossfire App
I got bb curve fine enough for me :)
xperia arc
was meant for info sake, cuz e.g. not all htc phones are avi everywhere in the world...
odds are most ppls dont know whats avi and not in germany for example
and you could always order abroad if you reallllllllly wanted a particular model
just ordered samsung wave2 not thaaat good but fits all your expectations ;)
I have the HTC desire S and it fucking rocks. It does everything extremely quickly and smoothly, is literally half the price of an iphone and better in every way.
that was the actual other htc option i had in mind, u got no complaints about it? is it 2.2 or 2.3 already?
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