
the worst day after sunday?!?!

hows ur day? i just woke up, drinking BURN, energizing myself before HON session.

good ownage:

sick oldschool turret:

the frost, it makes the blade stick, yesterday rewatched Gladiator [2000] and the movie reminded me of this sickness:

i didnt even know it was monday
u just woke up

i woke up at 6.20 :(
yeah i woke up like 2 hours ago or something aswell
ffs when did you start playing this nerdgame

makes u even more homo
HoN ain't homo game, LoL (LOL:D) is.
hon is short for homonerd :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

didnt i tell u alrdy? :P
cool joke bro
just kidding ;)
wokeup at 7 am , work till 4

poker now , up 18.56 atm $ :)
i hate my weak mind
i worked on sunday and saturday too, so not a bad day for me, only day nr. 8, 4 left ^^
Old Engineer you so crazy.
i did even watch full replay of this gladiator was wondering how did he get those items ; D
shit day. slept not that long
rest was shit 2.
but im listenin since morning to:


so in the end im fine!

:x (nothing in english or dutch :o

do u even saw this all dubbed?
Dutch channels had a tendency to dub cartoons, but fortunately I also had a few British channels.
was going to post this :PP <3

btw watch out it could be spam :o
idd thats why i watched more others cartoons ;) but i like the intro song(still singing it!) and the dutch accent :)
i have a rly hot female soldier in my unit and of course she wants me (officers are awesome :~>)

but i cant do anything about that :XD since im an officer im "above" her and blah blah blah rules :{{{

anyway i dont care :XD "every hole is black in the dark" XDDDD
so u gonna have sex with her? :o are u allowed to have sex w/o beeing married? :o i have no idea!

I CAN EVEN SEX U !!!!!!!!

well of course i can :{

i cant even think about an answer to that :XD
but the % of "those ppl" are minor, the majority are "regular" like you and me :~>
i never had sex ofc :)
image: 26p12

btw everytime i go out and hit on a girl i secretly throw the fact that im an officer : D

something like "oh wait a second my soldiers annoying me..." : :D:A:SD:A:SD:A:SD:
just cause u r an officer ur not allowed or what??!
oh lol

ok hmmm saskia if your boss wanted to date you, would he be able to do that?

no because he is your superior :D

now you understand?
he was able and he did that :P
and i know alot chefs who have an affair with their assitant. usual!
lol srsly? :D:D

how old is he? and did you date him?

and just because it happen it doesnt mean its right !!!
he was 3 years older and damn sexy. he was from uk and just visited our office once or twice a month. he only loved blonde and so all were blonde. ive got presents n stuff.

who said it isnt right to have smth with ur boss. its just not right if u have advantages of it imo!
because having something with your boss can open dark opportunists for other bosses

such as forcing themself on women who need the job
as a woman i was sure you understand that :(((

its rly easy for me to come to female soldier and say "sleep with me or you go to jail" :X:D:SA:XD:ASX:D

or favour her more than other soldiers by giving her more vecations etc for "benifits" from her

its just isnt right and for women i think its demening :{

but im sure you are not like that saskia :}
just watch out from ppl who exploit their authority !
I slept with my bosses daughter. g5.
thats ok :~>

but only because you are awesome :D
uploaded some videos/pics of Iron Maiden taken @ 8.7.
the fuck is this jewish army sex shit going on in my journal with this hitler woman jesus
ROFL :DDDDDDDDdd he started!! :PP
shut up & answer on HoN
u mad?

u jelly ???!??!?!!!
nerd games
got back from my 14 mile hike yesterday, felt like shit this morning so slept in, went into work after lunch though
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