couch co-op games (xbox360)

I need some nice co-op games to play with my best bro's and roommates.

We got left 4 dead 2, halo 3/ODST/reach.

Dont mind genre, as long as it is fun to play for a bit.
i didnt like it but apparently resident evil V is quite fun
Gears of war 1/2 and soon 3. really enjoyable and funny if ur friends head gets blown off.
I still do not understand why there is no Left 4 Dead 2 for the Ps3 :(

CoD: Black ops <3
Splinter Cell
the co-op game i enjoyed the most is borderlands, i wish there were more games like that.
army of two, portal 2

resistence, killzone 3, little big planet.... oh wait :D
Call of Duty Black ops is a must!
download castle crashers i spent hours playing with my mates at uni
Most definitely Gears of War on high difficulty. Best coop game of all!
The zombie mode in CoD:WaW or CoD:BO can be quite fun and has to be played co-op.

Spliter Cell: Conviction has a neat co-op mode.

All the Guitar Hero / Rock Band games, although that's kinda expensive because you need the peripherals.

Rainbow Six: Vegas 1&2

All the others I can think of have already been mentioned.

EDIT: Also some of the oldschool style arcade platformers/sidescrollers, like Scott Pilgrim or Splosion Man.
Introduce them to ET.
James bond goldeneye for nintendo 64
Portal 2 ofc.
army of two, the 40th day!
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