Best Trickjump cvars

So as the title says if any one know the best cvars for trickjumping I would appreciate it alot.
/pmove_fixed 1
and ofc
com_maxFPS 43/76 or 125
and ofc
Doesn't matter if you use pmove_fixed.
There is none.
/tj_drawcgaz 2 ":D"
pale tj bot
cg_drawgun 0
cl_nofatigue 1
you strafe faster with cg_fov 120 according to fumble

well i do..with 90 fov i suck @ tj maps, i always use 120, seems easier somehow, i know that when u use 120fov everything looks faster,but with 90fov i cant finish jumps which i can finish with 120
there is a difference nothing to do with placebo
so you're saying 120 fov increases your speed -_-?
+1 only looks/feels faster, nothing more
com_maxfps 333
pmove_fixed 0

if your pc cannot handle 333 constant fps then..

com_maxfps 43, 76, 125 whatever your computer can handle
pmove_fixed 1
or simply pmove_fixed 2 if you're at it? ;)
(since you already suggest pmove_fixed 1)
ask WuT !
com maxfps 43, 76 or 125

Pmove_fixed 1

bind mouse4 load
bind mouse5 save
QuotePmove fixed 43, 76 or 125

image: Sheep_eating
i dont see it ^^
QuotePmove fixed 43, 76 or 125

image: Sheep_eating
Jesus fucking Christ you people are dumb!
Gaining speed when trickjumping has to do with mouse movement, not changing your fov.
To help my journal boi, here it goes:

\com_maxfps 125 -> pmove_fixed 0/1 --> You'll be able to do any jump you wish (If you have the skill)

\com_maxfps 43/76/85 -> pmove_fixed 1 --> Same. If you use pmove with those fps, you won't be able to jump shit.

\com_maxfps 333 + pmove_fixed 0 --> This gives you, let's call it a ''boost'' in your start, you can get further, however, it's no use in a continuous jump, so what smarasses do is fps 333 + pmove 0 @ start and then change it to fps 125 and pmove 1 to keep jumping.

There's a lot of shit you could know about trickjump, but if you use those cvars, you'll do just fine.

Also, you might want to use \tj_drawcgaz 1/2/3/4 or \cg_drawcgaz 1/2/3/4 (tj_ for TJMod and cg_ for ETJ).

The last cvar will let you know if you're moving your mouse correctly.
Thx mate...the cvars of TJ helped me alot :)
No problem. The best tip I can give you however is to spec other people and see what they do. That's what I did, and I turned out ok-ish
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