LoL high elo game #2

lol definatly polaks
nice nerd game
totaly owned!!
brawo grzesia xD
image: asek1

cool story bro
and that is high elo :X?
1419 high elo, every can get to that elo XDD
no troll involved in my post
not rly, played over 60 ranked games and half of players are just trying new champions and first time jungling so i cant get out of low elo hell :(. Oh and funny thing is they run away if someones trying to tank.
elohell doesent exist

feeded gragas ....
400 games and still 1200 elo grziesekm8

20-0 lanewick vs rumble not enough to win 4v5 ranked matches, y u always leaf???
i barely ever lose ranked matches with negative scores too... so anoying
shit game is shit -- better go out or prac et
u mad bro's?
1400 Elo

High elo game, FACEPALM
seems u dont know meaning of 'troll' idiot
Than it's not a good troll
you look like a one annoying dwarf :d!

but honestly well played.
1400 Elo

High elo game, FACEPALM
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