Gaming Now & Then

I read the Journals about Brink and how some people say it is dead. Game just does not feel good when you play it. On another hand some people say how awesome game is and how it needs just a few fixes and it will be a great game. I agree with both. But price money will not save the game, just because not everybody are so cheap and willing to sell them selfs.


This Journal is not about is Brink good or bad, but how gaming society changed from playing a game because they love the game to because the game have big price pool. Not so long time ago people really played games just to have fun and of course for the competition reasons. To be number one on Clanbase or other website and get a golden trophy. If players ever got stuff or money they were thankful even for that. Sometime ago people were friendly and I think more mature. Even now players do not understand that servers are not for free and if you have one you really need to be thankful for that opportunity.


2011 came and I see a great game like Starcraft 2 where price pools are big and sponsors are everywhere and it is awesome. Being a good SC2 player requires a lot of time and dedication. I'm not against that. I love to see Starcraft 2 matches on Youtube or Teamliquid websites. Sponsors and money made that happen, but biggest are the players and spectators who made it all happen.

Never the less. Starcraft is in totally different category. Lets talk about Enemy Territory. Where are those players who are willing to play Tournaments for nothing? To play for just a win, to be number one? All I can see this days are Tournaments in Enemy Territory where even admins do not give a f**k and players give even less. I my self am not a very active player in Enemy Territory scene, but when I have time I really do enjoy playing the game. I really want to see all those great players with there teams playing a Tournament which has no price money or stuff.

On Corssfire many journals are about crying how bad things are. Sometimes it feels like Crossfire is full on emos, but I think we all can enjoy our community and our great game by just playing it. Yes it is that simple, the more you play the better.

Lets be thankful even for the little things :)

PS: Sorry for my English.
I approve
I disapprove
wanna fight fatty
I have no chance vs your smooth aim
Don't need no smooth aim, one reflex hit and it's done!
but ive got highest axe-p! so you're fucked
The majority of the community plays just for the fun or to try and win, I don't think anyone really aspires to win money in ET, apart from the top 3 teams. You make a good point about esports becoming more about winning money, but thats just because its becoming more commercial and is that really a bad thing?
Earlier, in the 'good old days', teams were playing for a good ranking in the CB ladders.
Nowadays teams don't even have the motivation to train or participate in a random cup.
Well i'm not really the person to comment on this (newskooler), but the ladders seem like they're becoming more active recently (especially 3o3)
bring back 6on6
and the origina map pool, fuel dump, battery, railgun, OASIS, goldrush + radar
your not making much sense. you want people to enjoy ET's state as how they are at the moment and not emo about it, while retard admins are hurding like sheeps forcing 5v5, cause some idiot forced ET into it for 1 stupid lan
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