5 beers in 4:50 min

hellooooo, just came back from tha pub and I give u an epic moment. in short we bet and video taped my buddy here on the vid that he can't drink 5 beers in 5 min. the bet was: if he succeeds he gets a nice barbecue on the weekend and if he doesn't he pays us 2 beers each (12 beers total).

as u can see in the video he DID IT. feel the balkan power madafuckazzzzzz. challenge ur friends to do the same, ofc they will fail.

I tried to put subtitles on the vid so u can laugh but it's too much work, so sorry.

he drank this beer and it was 0,5 l:

image: img_1758

enjoy the vid :))

you said 15 minutes in the video??

you also said he finished in 4:48 minutes, this journal is full of lies

hahah well yeah. the original bet was 15 min, but he surprised big time. my phone was showing 4:48, but we decided to got with 4:50.

and fu
nothing special in pl
I did 7 beers in 3 minutes or smthg, when I was alrdy wasted tho.

And why does that pub look so empty and boring. Where are teh cihicksss?
it's a local village pub at 12:00 am, not a club dude.

and stop lying u dirty nigger
Hmm still, quite empty :P

I don't.
working time was till 23:00 h, the waiter closed the bar for the customers, so only us locals left.

avi or never happened
Ahh nvm, stupid comment of me then!

Next time I will film it!
ok, looking forward to it
nice, but be careful, beer contains female hormones and I see some tits there
I also see them, but that's not the point of the vid
I did 9 limonades in 3 minutes,beat me!!!!!!!!
u sucked 9 cocks in 3 min, I believe that
wow, 1.5 liter of bear
i love his menboobs
i did 1 beer in 15 mins once
It'd better stop bears and start sport.
Any Finnish guy will beat that. End of discussion.
wouldnt he be that fat it would be more impressive
true, but find me another fat fuck who can top that :)
known cheater
i dont know what im missing here

you're betting on that and give him 5 mins?

One minute would have been a challenge.
+1 this is easy.
1 per minute.. try 5 in one minute, then its impressive.
It's ... easy :(
Any first year university student can probably do this easy. I don't think any of my friends would fail except maybe some of the girls.
+1, it's an easy game for students (especially in belgium :D)
5 min, eternity.
Columbia Eitileda can beat this izi
rofl, get lost amateurs :DDD
rofl, get lost amateurs :DDD
hahahah plz

it could have been way faster if the beers were already poured and if he really wanted to drink it faster AND he didn't puke after.

and those 3 min 5 beers, 1 min 5 beers, god knows in which circumstances it happened. so stop bullshitting
You guys rock... really. Continue doing this with much more and harder drinks!!! And please do make vids for entertainment purposes!!!
wow u so mature
And this from the guy who filmed his friend slamming down 5 half liters of beer in 5 minutes?
with that maturity, no wonder u're happily married, have 2 kids, a hot wife and an awesome job.
Marriage is for old-fashioned controlfreaks, hopeless romantics or for people that get it handed to them by religion, my GF is pregnant of our second and I work as a software engineer from 09:30 till 16:00 and make € 3500 a month with that. What was your point exactly with that comment other than it being a futile attempt to bash on me without knowing anything about me.
my point is ur full of bullshit either way, and u were obviously never young. forever a bold sarcastic cunt, who thinks everyone else is a moron besides him and his superior intellect
See, here you go again thinking you know me. I was young, hell still am young, but posting on a gaming forum about how your friend was able to slam away 5 half liters of beer in 5 minutes has fuck all to do with being young, cool or anything other than just being retarded. Don't get me wrong, I like drinking and I love drinking games, but drinking that much alcohol in such a short time has nothing to do with drinking games. That's just being stupid. And posting about it makes it even worse.
90% of funny things posted on crossfire is stupid with no sense, so it all comes down to a person's taste on what's funny and what's stupid.

regarding those 5 beers, someone thinks it's stupid, someone thinks it's funny. I bet things u consider funny, to me they would be stupid beyond all recognition.
QuoteI bet things that are funny to u, to me they would be stupid beyond all recognition.

I wouldn't bet on that since you really do not know me and thus you can not know the odds of the bet. I have a hunch you'd be surprised.

I agree, tons of stuff posted on CF is stupid with no sense. Some is funny, some is not. Filming your friend downing 5 large beers in such a short time is something else though than posting a randomly found internet video. It's personal and you could have had influence on that situation, which changes the entire thing.

And don't think I can't laugh about drinking stuff. The video of Twidi being drunk out of his mind barely being able to say the word "obvious" ending in almost a new meme with "office" was hilarious. He just happened to get drunk throughout an entire night and couldn't speak properly anymore. (not that he can speak proper english anyway but that's a different matter :P)

Daring people to drink large amounts of alcohol in short periods of time is simply dangerous, that's why I do not approve of that kind of stuff and can't seem to find the funny in it. Same with what happend with mesqi on cpc2 with the drinking games. I did not approve at all. It's stupid and dangerous. Drinking games? sure, fun! and I will join in too, but with some common sense if you will.
seen that vid about twidi: DD and he prolly drank 3 beers tops.

it's not dangerous to drink that much beer in 5 min, if u drink u should know that. and I still claim that vid was super funny, and not very stupid.

and u're right I don't know u, but I'm concluding from ur previous posts. and I concluded u're a reserved, always too careful party breaker. prove me wrong
Say that same statement to a doctor and I'm fairly sure he will disagree ;-P

The only way to prove you wrong about me is for you to come to a lan and see for yourself like tons of others have. (and now I wait for reload or night or herbal or someone to reply to this and say "don't believe him, ronner is an ass")
I can read people quite good for my age, and I can't be 100% wrong in my evaluation

and I'm gonna come to a lan in the near future, so I can see how good ur poker face is :)
my poker face sucks!! or does it! >:)
it's a trap poker face :DD

owww and ronner do I even have to mention i won this little "debate". I was attacking the whole time, while u were justifying, means I had control from the beginning. peace bro and gn ;))
Of course, the trophy is all yours!

image: arguing
oww come on ronner don't be bitter coz u got owned by a kid from a 3rd world country :)
It's called sarcasm.

On a sidenote, the contestants in a debate can never decide who "won the debate".
i didnt race and did 7 in 30mins, kudos for me :d tho was drunk as fuck after this.
i used to drink 6 beers in 5 mins, u mad?
ensam won. he did new record at weekend.
it doesnt count cause he aint really drunk image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1
you were recording with nokia 3310 or smthing?:)
sony ericsson k530i. it's better than ur fag touch phone
dont be mad:)
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