looking for duo solo ranked mate (LoL)

Looking for someone who wants to duo with me to play solo ranked.
ELO not so high: 1200

inb4 HoN nerds saying HoN is better

add The Balthazar in-game
HoN is better

MMORPG are too nerdie for m3h
MMORPG are too nerdie for m3h
we can play ;)

e: lol wtf, 43min queue :')
yeah new update, didn't expect any different
HoN > LoL image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1
i play US server x:D
i tried so but i cant hit shit with 200 ms
played HoN on USEast for a while, doesnt realy change alot imo, gotta adjust a bit
Could, but I am obviously too skilled :D
26 minutes, zzz
I'll play some if you still need someone :>

Nick: Appledz
add h20xyg3n
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