fifa 11 awesome goal !

look my skill ! @ps3 if u want my id pm!
Who's got Xbox pm me! XD
why dont you mention you stole it from me? HMM??
how can i steal it from you ?!

look at the date of the vid... Fifa 2011 was a few days out
I was trollin:D
dein video ist GEMA blocked
scheiß gemaaa :( habs doch selbst aufgenommen
: D
did this many times in fifa10 tho'
wont click , probably shit
i made a goal with Schweinsteiger from 35 meters:) no free kick
did goal from 70 metres freekick
did goal from 35 meters with hand
made a goal with de rossi from 45 meters, made 2 goals with messi one from 35 and one from 40 meters, np also made a free kick goal with de rossi from 40 meters
de rossi has a sick long shot idd
yeah man, that 45 meters goal, i was just fighting to get the ball, and accidentally shot at the goal, and scored the most sick goal ever
yea, some players have the longshot skill afaik (or just high long shot stats in general I guess).. like de rossi, ibra, taiwo etc.. you can score ridicilous goals with them.

Just run with the ball until you face the net and release the stick and everything except the "run" button, and press the shoot button until you get like half bar -> watch the ball skyrocket into to the back of the net :D
totti and scholes as well :D, all i wish is that i had an xbox or ps3, or at least that fifa 11 worked on my pc :( I can only play fifa 11 every now and then on my friends xbox
nice, i was kinda proud of my 35m goal, but thanks for ruining it
i don't even have an xbox, or ps3, and fifa 11 doesn't even work on my pc, so you should be feeling even worse now.
my teams on fifa 11 ultimate team :D

random RPL/SERIE A mix: (custom formation: 4-1-1-1-1-2 <- epic)
Chile/Colombia mix: (custom formation Bielsa's 3-3-1-3)
noooooooooooooooooooooooo :(:(:(. Are you on mIRC?
wouldn't have mattered that much :D I can barely play online anyways. The EA servers must suck or it's my wifi. I crash from games/fut11 on a regular basis and I can barely find online games, and when I do find games there's like a 90% chance that there's huge lag :x

and no I haven't got mirc atm.. just installed windows a couple of days ago. Only got browser + antivirus and shit atm. Haven't been arsed to install anything else yet :p
Parent and join #crossfire !!:D
amateur vs amateur + low clubs

low in general
looks like your playing fifa on your microwave
i once farted a ball into the cross from 120 metres
Bien joué frère!
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