in control of your actions

Little 'philosophical' (I know how you guys love it when I, spree, use that word) question. Is anyone in control of their actions? Everyone as a person is formed by what's happened in (their) history. How you will react or what you do at the moment is simply a logical next step in a long chain of events. Even if you suddenly jump up and start singing about fat chicks it's still a logical move in your chain of thoughts.

Don't forget that what we think is simply a chemical process in our brain.

If anyone has a valid argument against this please be my guest, because I don't like the idea of not being in control of my actions.

Thereby you must also take into consideration the legal system and jails. If nobody is in control of their actions locking them up for something they're not in control of is the greatest crime against humanity you can think of (although I fully agree ofcourse that if this doesn't happen it will result in complete chaos).

So, valid arguments against PLEASE!

image: bar-refaeli_13
QuoteThereby you must also take into consideration the legal system and jails. If nobody is in control of their actions locking them up is the greatest crime against humanity you can think of.

By that logic someone who decides to punish a criminal is not in control of doing that, either.
true. by this logic nobody is in control of anything they do. and that is what freightens me a bit. Not that it will change anything to how it has been the past billions of years, but still...
If you think about how this relates to the thought of having an omnipotent being jugde people to either positive or negative infinite happiness in a life after death, even though they spend their lives as pieces of meat that obey the laws of physics, you may conclude there's something wrong with either logic or religion.
tbh there's something wrong with both :D

logic says time is infinite, and infinity is a bit hard to imagine for me as simple person (yes I know about all the theories on 11 dimensions forming a loop in time and such, but infinite regress still brings you to infinity)

religion says there's some greedy ass fuck on a cloud sending ppl to oblivion

imo both are weird
Quotelogic says time is infinite

What sort of logic? I agree that intuition says that, don't mix up the two.
Follow the simple process of infinite regress and you'll conclude that infinity is something that HAS to be (even a loop is infinite). Immediately I have to counter this because quantum physics now dictate that material (and this goes against all laws of physics) actually CAN appear out of nothing, which takes away the need of infinity.

and yes you're right, discussing (even doubting) logic is ofcourse wrong because it's in the nature of the word, LOGIC. It's logic, you can't really get around it.
Didnt you like leave this site 2 years ago and said you would not come back?
yep, but because I lack absolutely any form of life and friends I decided to come back and bother you nerds some more...
he's not in control of his actions..
:D +1
e: I actually lauged out loud in real life, gg man
happy to hear that ;)
you should write lyrics discussing this matter
I stopped writing lyrics man, I actually noticed they didn't really make sense...
I don't see your point.
that's because you are a fucking retarded fuck. piss off and stop replying in my journals :>
It's not my fault you make silly journals with pseudo-philosophy that has no point to it.
the fact that you don't see the point only confirms how retarded you are. now really, gtfo of my journal, I know you've got nothing better to do than troll at CF all day, but srsly leave the big people talk to the big people and go bother someone who actually gives a shit about the immature crap that comes out of your mouth.
My point is that I can't be bothered replying seriously to a journal with a major flaw in it which you don't seem to notice at all.
So then point it out or su
What is the point of arguing about something which is flawed in the first place, with the person that made that flaw, and doesn't even notice it?
fucking funny man, fucking funny.

really, what a fun with huumeantti, fucking clown
Funny? How is that supposed to be funny? I was being serious.
Whatever man...
wut is dis you are talking boot?

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSJdV-HGGUFaVptsHfi_u_fKZ_uXmSgZRL6BpzKNuXfuqBS0IkHww&t=1
i was so happy you left :(
er zit een negeer knop, gebruik hem en stfu nerdje
that thing doesnt work at all, ill still have to deal with that you are here, and not gone as it used to be, ohh the good old times
why dunt chu just go again :( you hated it here :(
being hated makes my dick hard, you just made me cum buckets
ok oprah
God controls what I do, and no one else. I found God, and since that day, my life has changed for the better. All your logical talk and sciences are rubbish. The world is like a watch, but every watch needs a maker, and ours is God.
Why are you writing this?
Because I'd like to get as many different interpretations on this subject as possible, so I can form a clear picture for myself. That's what forums are for, not?
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