enemy territory player needs help

so hello guys, i've played ET on a laptop for the past 3 years or so and recently I got a new one.


when i played on my old laptop I had r_mode 6 and everything was fine, but with this one when i put r_mode 6 i get black boxes on the sides, so i have to use r_mode -1 and put custom reso same as my desktop one (1366x768) but i dont like to play ET with a high resolution even if i have 125 fps stable

so basicly is there a resolution with the same ratio or smth like 1366x768 or something i can do, so i can play on r_mode 6 again :l

hope you understood
r_mode 6
r_displayrefresh 75
laptop screens cap @ 60hz and even if it would be 75, that doesn't remove the black boxes :(
r_customaspect is what you are looking for. Values 0, 1 or 2 to try out.
r_fullscreen 0
I have a laptop with 1366x768. Playing on seta r_mode "6", 800x600 (full screen) and it's k.
lol an enemy territory player!
maybe its the last one!
You can run any 16:9 resolution (960x540/1280x720 etc.). Manually add it through drivers including colorbits and display refresh etc. If done properly ET should load without black bars.

You could play on 4:3 (r_mode 6 etc) but it will look terrible on widescreen without black bars on either sides. :(
what resolution do you recommend then? i just don't want it to be so high quality, it annoys me
I guess 960x540 but I've never really used widescreen. :D
doesn't work, i guess it has smth to do with my gfx card or just laptop :(
Its drivers forcing scaling
pane resolutsioon 1066x468 vms
r_mode -1
fullscreen ka 1
ei tööta, see vist mingi mu graafikakaardi nuss, et ei lase :(
ei oska siis öelda :>
proovi oma reso m6lemad numbrid mingi t2pselt pooleks teha. Äkki toimib.

Aga mis graafika kaart sul üldse on ?
teed unbani ja ma oskan aidata
im afraid you have to buy new laptop, sorry mate
had same dunno how to fix it though
if ur laptop has nvidia, problem should be on driver side

nvidia panel -> something with desktop resolution (dont know how to translate it well since i haz polish drivers)
try 1280x720
Bad player
buy new laptop
HAHA I HAZ 16:9 LCD AND 120 HZ AND 1366 x 768 HAHA
what a fucking idiot
graphic card options on scaling
paned video kaardi settingute alt scalingu peale, või äkki on asi refreshrates
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