24/7 Baserace ftw :D

Hello CF,

As you could read Nbs had a spare server. We were considering what we could do with it and we deceided to try a 24/7 Baserace server.

So I hope the are enough people looking for some fun :D

You can find the server here:

Remember, this is like a 'Beta' we are still bussy with the server config etc.

See you at the server :D
put a private pw on it and let those nerds who play baserace on gtv use it. at least they wont have problems with gtv about the servers anymore.
Or those nerds could buy own server where to play it? 16 player usualy mix and no one got server for play it?
Servers going ok, having some fun atm 14 players online.

Is there something like a ETpro Baserace server config?

I know its 60 minutes, any other special changes?
pm me for a baserace config instead of making some shit up :D
0 players
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