CB banned nerds at lan?

heard CB banned players are allowed to play at PHX lan, what you think of that /cf/?

poor Sup3r had to hide under his cap whole lan to get kicked out of cc6 and now nerds can paly openly? WTF JUST WTF

awesome storm here btw <3
brb calling gnajda
w/e since they dont cheat on lan , idc
cool, come play with us robert? ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :{
I no banned?
sadly not :{

I will drop this topic one day, honest :p
hey come on I served my ban and didn't even cheat!
who cares?
they're paying to go to swansea anyway, jokes on them
Why not?

Name me some banned players we wouldn't want to see at LAN.
why wouldnt they? doesnt make any sense not to allow
ex-cheater talking...
its better to give the spot to someone thats low- than to give it to someone that cheated and is low- without his bot
the ban is supposed to be a punishment for cheating. How will cheaters learn their lessons if they are allowed to play anyways :)
its lan
who cares if they are cheaters
they arnt gnna cheat @lan lol
people have in the past...
it's up to the lan admins
MR OIZO!!!!! :D
morally: no. cheaters should be banned from playing for a lifetime. using cheats should be severe decision to make not like "even if i get caught ima just wait a bit".
practically: i dont think the ever shirnking community has another choice.
Yeah oh my god someone fucked me up in a random fun pcw ban him for life and take his testicles.
i can really not understand why that would make any difference.
cheat is cheat no matter in which situation.
you have proven that you are not a real player but a sad little fuck that needs "an unfair advantage". at that point you should be banned for life.
People use/try cheats for other reasons than just *needing* an unfair advantage. To 'troll', to have fun, to see what the fuss is all about. Besides, who would need any advantage in an insignificant PCW anyways, it's not like it matters whether you win or lose.

Banning people for a year is more than enough for a non-serious offence such as cheating on a public or in a prac. Banning for life should only be considered when dealing with cases that involve any major leagues (i.e. someone cheats in ECfinal), and in those cases they should only be banned for life from that particular competition, and for a year from the others. Ambiguous cases should only be punished for half a year maximum, if at all.

It's not like this small community has any choice anyways. But even if this community was larger, I would still say the same.
if you dont need it, dont do it.
you dont rape a woman to see what the fuzz is all about.
in the realm of gaming cheating is the worst you can do and you should be punished for it, no matter of long and which situations you cheated.
you are one of the people who can not grasp that cheating should be treated as a serious offense simply because you have been confronted with it too much by this rotten community.
every single time you try to distinguish how severe of a case you are facing you give ground to the cheaters and "motivate" little kids to try it.
Comparing cheating to raping? Oh wow.
And yeah, I've seen a lot of cheating in this game. Sure, it's kinda dull to see someone so very obviously cheat against you, but what can you do? It's not like banning them will stop anything in a free game (or well, even if the game cost money, banning them wouldn't stop them), and it won't be an immediate action so the negative experience will still be there. And as said, bans won't stop them from playing pracs (..or offis for that matter).

SLAC has this done correct, when you cheat, you're banned for one year. If you cheat after you're unbanned, you're going to be banned for one year again. You're also not allowed to have multiple accounts and it's enforced pretty well from what I've gathered. I'm glad none of that senseless Clanbase C&A crap got into their policies.

Fighting cheaters by throwing absolutely atrocious punishments onto the table is like trying to fight internet piracy by censorship - honest people are affected more than the targeted group.

It's a morale vs. absolute justice type of thing (I can't remember the fancy philosophical term for this). Your opinion represents the latter group.
i knew you wouldnt be able to understand. yes i compare rape to cheat not that it is the same but that cheating should be considered respectively bad within the realm of gaming.
"what can you do?" you ask. well the first step would be to make people scared to cheat instead of just motivating cause even if they get busted they jsut serve a short ban and things are as if nothing ever happend.

do you oppose the death penalty irl for major crimes?
Well, longer bans would just lead to people getting around them more. On the internet where identities are disposable it's easy enough, and it can't be avoided.
Besides, your average ETPlayer is already "scared" to cheat because they don't want to ruin their e-fame, but there's always the handful of folk who just don't care, and there's nothing that can be done about it. Lengthening the bans will just make it awful for the ones who actually are wrongly banned, and trust me, there's a plenty of such cases.

And yes, I do oppose death penalty in real life. Sure, triple homicides are an awful thing, but it's not like taking one more life will really make anyone feel better.
you see i believe that if there is the chance to get around it that they will always do it, no matter how long the ban. i also believe that every cheater will always cheat again if given the chance.
and dont oppose death penalty, not because i think it will make anyone feel better but because i think that "second chances" have to be limited. and that there are too many fucked up people out there
Sure, the most obdurate cheaters will cheat no matter what, but how about the people who don't actually deserve the ban they were given? Justice doesn't always work like it should if applied to strictly by the book. In fact, sometimes the results can be quite the contrary of what the whole point of the system is. Just look at the US.
in my case only solid facts would count as proof.
i know that some people, especially chosen, have banned people for cheating simply because they personally got pwnd. i would not allow demo busts and stuff like that. but if an objective AC finds a running cheat you should be punished.
i was exactly right now thinking about the "rape women" part...you weirdo, or i werido?
i was exaggerating to express an opinion "descriptively".
obviously those are things you can not consider equal by equal standarts.
rape is one of the most serious crimes in real life.
but i dont see it getting worse than cheating when talking about "that life".
no matter how serious you are about the game, the moment you resort to cheats, for whatever reason, disqualifies you competetive play... imo. and that is what we are talking about afterall. a CB ban does not keep you from playing pubs (or scrims with another name).
i know "esports" is "fun and games" but if you dedicate your time to it and put in some effort i dont see a reason not to despise the people who "troll you"(like he said) with something that coasts as much a month as a couple of beers.
no need to explain it that far, i understood youright away!
im prolly 2 drunk:C
players that use hacks go far a way from playing a game, they are kids that have problems in real life that are shown in games trying to outstand and be someone they can't be in their lifes. They don't hack for fun, they hack cause they need it. Most of them are marginal people in their real life and need a "way to escape" reality, attention from others even if its just via the internet.

A normal happy guy won't ever think of cheating.

Hacking ONE time in any situation should be a PERMANENT ban. I don't see a difference if its playing on public server or nations cup final, a cheater is a cheater and should be removed from the game cause I think it has been showned already that they will cheat again and again.
image: tBbCT

Have you considered a career as a law enforcer, by the way?
even nc customers play every league now

so whats the problem :\
yes and this is the Epicfail on this Community
idd, players who cheated during wars shouldnt be allowed to play again :/
Does it even matter if an ex cheater goes lan, to play clean infront of everyone and prove he doesnt need cheats?
yes it do the moral part in the ET Community is just on a low level now
not every cheater/ex cheater cheats for skill boost etc. Some cheat for the fun of it. Not every cheater is low at games. You can be a cheater and still be good at lans.
sorry but ur agrument fails
who cares
who cares
remembers me to that poor CS cheater in the USA

I think the funny thing here is that the raging guys probably got themselves in all sorts of trouble, while the potential cheater likely only profited from it.
unbelievable that some guys still don't get, that it's a fake...
Some guys cheat trying to reach awesomness, some guys like MarseilleLeFrancis are born awesome.
gnajda was on pl lan and noone killed him -_-
escobar was at col lan and no1 killed him -_-
egu 2009 sie nie liczy :D
u blame cisy? :D
its a trap
old recipe, download hax, be low, get busted, play under a new name for a year, come back, play ec
care, shit rules, shit lan...
and you shit player
it's not me who needed to try cheating ;p and its not me who wrote pathetic "be honest"...
care if you attend this lan, cuz online events not for u
who cares
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