Widescreen fov...

Is the cg_fov 90 same for widescreen (16:9) and 4:3 resolution?
No, I don't know the exact formula, theres some way to find out what fov will give roughly the same view
it depends on your screen width
no its not
There were some guys saying 105 fov on normal 4:3, 5:4 display = around 100 or even 95 on widescreen 16:9.

Personally I used to play on widescreen, and I keep the same fov as before...
at 1st leave it at the current valiue you used before. play a bit and then decide if its ok for you or not. when i switched from my 4:3 to my widescreen it just took a couple of hours i needed to adopt to it.
this is just a theoretical programm which keeps ratios at the same srsly..
i had fov 107 on old r_mode 8 screen and on my 22" wide i should use 119,xx? i would actually die to play with this fish eye fov on 22" X:D
The tool is correct. With a wider view angle you need a wider fov.
i know the program is right, and i would actually set it to the sam ratio, but considerin the fisheye effect i really dont to do it on 22" 30 cm in front of me ^^
well yeah, you see more but the stretch gets corrected to 4:3, I dont like it either but I use it anyway, not much you can do with LCD screens and their native resolution obsession I guess.
on 1680x1050 I use
cg_fov 103
Yet on 1024x1024 (w.e it is)
I use cg_fov 90

Not sure why I just feel more comfortable using fov 103 on wide screen. If I dont do this it gets annoying when everyone looks so long etc.
noticed the same thing, i was using 90 at 4:3 now 105
there was an uber journal about this yesterday

the search buttin USE IT
95 fov on 4:3 is around 105 on 16:10 (+10)... not sure about 16:9 without doing the calculation.
4:3 - was playing fov 90

16:9 - now playing with 100
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