best/worst 1st dates?


I would like to share 2 date stories because I find them kinda ridiculous! Both of them happaned in the past 2 weeks.

First date with stranger girl:

So it happened like 1-2 weeks ago, I had to meet my brother at Budapest, I had to travel with public transport, so I saw my bus and I started running, I was already late so I was in hurry, I wanted to take out my phone from my pocket to check the time but I accidentaly dropped it and it's battery came out of the phone. And I have an old Nokia phone so when you remove the battery and put it back it forgets the time and the date. I asked a stranger about the time, she told me and I said thanks and I was just about getting on the bus when she told me she's coming with me. I didn't understand at all, but I said "Okay". So we started talking, FAQ and stuff. We ended up exhcaning our phone numbers. When I finished talking to my brother I was on my way back to my place when my phone started ringing, it was the girl I talked to before. She wanted to see me the next day, I agreed and I was like FUCK YEAH. Later my phone rang again and it was my "boss" from the work that I have to go to work that night, I was like WTF but I couldn't say I am not going. So I got home, ate some and took a shower then left to the work (it was around 9pm) so I left work at 6am, got home ate smth again took a shower and I was on my way back to Budapest. I met the girl around 10am, we walked to some park and started talking. I was fucking exhausted, I was up for more than 24h already. I couldn't even keep my exes open for 5secs :D. I gaped like 5 times to her face :D, I can't even remember what we talked about, because I was dying :D. After a hour of talking she said "It looks like you are bored, fuck you" :D and left :D.
We didn't talk since then, no text or email or smth.
Rating myself: 2/10 - I was exhausted, couldn't speak very well and didn't understand most of the things she said because of tiredness. Obviously not my bad, but still.
Rating the girl: Look: 6/10 - I am not really into fashion and even less in women fashion but all the 4 points she lost is because of her dress. Her face was pretty and decent body.
Inside: 4/10 She couldn't shut her mouth, she kep talking and talking and talking and her voice wasn't that girlish.
Rating the situation: 2/10 - Not much to say, you read it all.

First date with a girl I knew before:

Okay so I knew this girl before because she lives here in my village, last summer I was out with one of my friend cycling in the town and we met this girl and her friend, so we started cycling together and started talking about everything in common. I was in a realtionship for 8months then already, and as far as I know she was also in a relationship. So we talked like friends. I met her like 3-4 days ago, and started talking like "How are you?" and stuff. She broke up with her bf weeks ago and It's strange because I just broke up with my gf weeks ago and we told this to eachother. So we agreed that we should meet some time. We agreed the date (yesterday it was). We should had met at 8:30pm and I was late a bit, like 15minutes. She didn't make any problems of it. So we started walking around the town, found a bench and set down. We were talking about everything, but seriously everything, didn't even notice the time. When I first looked at the time it was already 2am in the morning then I told her I should go. She said okay, we started walking to her house, before we got there she asked me if I want to go in a bit. I WAS LIKE WTF because it's always in the other way around :D But I said, okay let's go in. She lives with her father btw and she has a complete bedroom outside the house, I mean it's like a smaller house, she also has a room inside the actual big house. We went to the smaller one, started watching TV. It was some kinda cool show on because I totally forgot about the girl :D After like 5 minutes she said: "Do you really want to watch TV?" I told her: "Ofc not" :D. So we started making out, less and less clothes by the time. I told her I don't have a condom, she said np because she has one. I took off her panties and asked for the condom. The reaction: "Well, it's inside and a house and I don't want to go in for it" :DDD I was like wtf? Then she said: Let's do it without condom. I totally freaked out :D, I was like: "No way I am going to do it without condom, I don't want to fuck up neither your nor mine life". She understood it and we were laying on the bed and talking. After some minutes we both fall asleep, I woke up around 5:30am and I left, I told her I'll call her and stuff.

Rating myself: 8/10 - I was kinda cool I think, I think I did a very good job to not fuck her because I think she's kinda into me and I don't feel like starting a serious realtion ship right now and I am not a jerk to fuck her and leave.
Rating the girl: Look: - 7/10 - Pretty face, very decent outfit, my type. She dressed very well, it was like turning me on :D. Inside: - 5/10 - She kept saying me strange things like she's mixing up me with her ex-boyfriend, wasn't very very clever, but kinda okish. Her voice isn't that good because she's smoking.
Rating the situation: 10/10 - We were alone the whole time, it wasn't too warm and she has a nice place.

If you have similar bad/good 1st date stories feel free to share it!
XD gl in next date !
couldn't you find carrier bag in room if there was no condom?:P

never been on a date so cannot share exp!

Wow you're a pansy
1st) wtf saying judging about you after some minutes ? lolz

2nd) rofl what a slut

my last date:

I moved from my city to an other city far far away to study. After some weeks ive met one rly pretty girl in the club and we were talking all night long. She gave me her phonenumber and everything went perfect. Next time we met in the club and talked, danced and drunk much alcohol. Later we went out with her girlfriends and sat like 2 hours on a bench talking about some stuff. Her girlfriends said that im a rly nice guy and that we would fit rly good together. We held hands and stuff and it RLY seemed to be that she likes me

let me sum up:

phone number, dancing,holding hands, giving compliments to me, gfs like me and say we fit together.....

some days later she tells me that she never wants to see me again without a reason and i was like WTF is wrong with you :(
some jealous ex gf tipped u off about something..... so obvious.

adze's chick being a slut. don't see any problems :P
Maybe she wasnt single :P
she was :>

prolly she said that cuz she is 3 weeks on vacation atm and she wanna have some fun without thinking about someone else

yer, you cant be too sure about it.
one time i went to meet a girl who was my ex at the time in the morning in almost blizzard conditions after a night of HARDCORE RAVING so i was still awake and probably bleeding from my face, went and had a coffee with her and she went to work, no snow sex :<

some years before when we were going out we got drunk and i punched her in the vagina so thats ok i guess!

worst? a girl i used to see went travelling, i was quite gutted cause i really liked her but whatever. we went for a drink one night about a year maybe two later, she came round mine i was thinking maybe we'll get together now who knows?

had nice sex which you can't complain about, but after she was laying there in my arms and said the single biggest turn off / unromantic thing i've ever heard from a girl's voice
"see i told you i didn't shag that many guys while i was away :)"
(we never spoke about that so don't know who she was thinking of ^_^)
"She lives with his father btw"

Wait wut? Something is wrong..
Beste heer skype, dit is geen detail voor als u aan het daten zou gaan! :D
QuoteShe broke up with his bf

QuoteShe lives with his father

Quotemixing up me with his ex-boyfriend

something you're not telling us?
thought the same: DD
sounds like you dated him
cool story bro.

for the record: I would turn the house upside - down just to find that sneaky devil condom ;)
Thanks for sharing.
Poor first girl :<
no condom, no problem
Any body notice that he kept saying "his" for when he was talking about his "girl" for the second story. Just sayin. Making you sound a little gay XD When you say his instead of "her" :). But good dates.
my worst, i fell asleep on the counter of the bar, only to wake up by the shock.
her worst, she talked about horses,... all the time.
QuoteThen she said: Let's do it without condom. I totally freaked out :D, I was like: "No way I am going to do it without condom

Wtf man! Should have gone for it, dissapoint son :<
only had 1 first date yet (:
without condom > with condom
career > sex without condom
never had orgasm during my ET career :<
then u played against the wrong people :D

My first date with my gf (2.5 years atm):

Called her at Friday to go to the movies in Amsterdam. Went to bars after and at around 1.00 i told her that if i don't go to the train that i had to stay in Amsterdam (i winked at her). She replied by standing up... and getting more beer! (Fuck yeah moment). Hopped from bar to bar until everything was closed around 05:00

Next day woke up at 15:00 at her place and spend the entire day with her in the city. we went to a techno party next to the escape at around 24:00. It was pretty boring so we told her friends that we were sick (:{D!) and going home.

Woke up again at her place on sunday. Suddenly realised had to play soccer 40km north of amsterdam (where i live). She had nothing to do and came to watch me and spend the night at my house. Mondaymorning at 8:00 she had to work and i had to go to uni (both in amsterdam). Dropped her off at her work right on time.

First date: Friday 17:00 to Monday 08:00 :)
long motherfucking date
QuoteAge: 20 ( 14 July 1991 )

QuoteFirst date with a girl I knew before

so you're 20 and you just had your first date?
I meant 1st date with that girl. and if you read the journal you'd know it's not!
pic or never happened!
2) So, you did nothing.. nothing at all?! You know there are "other" things someone can do besides fuck? Oral etc?
Actually there are a lot of girls who dont like to give blowjobs and what's the use of going down on her if he wont do the same for you.

But for adze girl I think he would have gone for it.
crossfire is so romantic now :D
boring dates. always walking and talking.. thank god that only happens in ur part of the world. In Sweden atleast we know how to 'date'
share ur story how u "date" in Sweden then ;)
talking dirty at msn
how sweet :>
yeah walking and talking is so out of style in dates nowadays, luckily swedish people know how to date
best date:

I met a very beautiful and nice girl in a club blablalbalbala.. it was friday I think, I asked for her number and got it.. next day we were just msg'ing all day long. then @ sunday I was going clubbing again and suddenly she texted me and then somehow I asked if she wanted to go for a walk since she lives in the centre of helsinki. we were just walking until we couldn't walk anymore and she asked if I wanted to come over her place.. went to her place and she gave me some wine etc. and we just fall asleep and woke up at like 9am (she had to go to work) and she said that I can stay at her place If I wanted.. I walked with her to the bus station and she left, was just chilling at the centre after that.. the next day went to her place again and it was nice ;) and this time I didn't leave her place when she went to work.. suddenly the door opened like 2 hours later when I was still sleeping and I was like "WHAT THE FUCK WHO IS THIS"??!?!? it was the girl and she came in and started crying.. and wont tell xfire more about this! but it's fine now.. eventhough haven't seen the girl for like 3 weeks, coz we both been pretty busy, but hopefully I see her again ://

worst date:
It wasn't that bad, my clock was 1 hour late @ my pc.. I was getting ready by it. I was shaving when the girl texted me "I'm inside the railway station.. it's raining outside ;)", then I called her and told that I'm still at home n stuff.. then I ran to the trainstation and got there like 30mins late, she was still waiting me and went for a couple of drinks and had awesome time. I was seeing her for like 5 months or smth untill she fucked her friend when she was drunk as hell. sad sad :(
lol fu if you tell A you tell B :D
waaat? :D

e: oh yea u wanna hear why she was crying or wat?
Well yea, sounds like a drama story !
yeah a lot of drama! but it's fine now, still see her sometimes :-)
o I thought ppl don't play the sims anymore
Quoteher voice wasn't that girlish.

QuoteLet's do it without condom. I totally freaked out :D, I was like: "No way I am going to do it without condom, I don't want to fuck up neither your nor mine life"

wtf wrong with u
condoms make men last longer. Maybe he has a problem with that?
didn't read LOL
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