lowned by hitboxes part 2

at the start of the .avi hes completely unhittable for 0.5 seconds or so.
its funny how etpro team says hitboxes are ok and that there are no issues with lag.
in that avi i had no lag or packetloss what so ever.
this game is so old and still so very buggy =(.
have a good night and sleep tight.
/whine off
dont blame etpro team

it is just perfo's hax what do things like that! ban him!!!!
not blaming anyone just saying how can someone be so unhittable if theres no issues with anything :>
Hitboxes are ok, when not crouching or when the shooting enemy in stairs :P
i had thousands of situations like that, IT REALLY NEEDS TO BE FIXED
this game is super old, and its still broken
upload the demo somewhere and ill have it analysed!
Looks like you are standing up and moving the xhair in small circles aka more spread.

And it looks like the one you are shooting @ is lagging if just some small unregistered timeouts.
im crouching the whole time
and crosshair movement might look weird because the .avi is made with around 10fps
new mystic

perfo @ full spawn
lol that looked rly strange xD

he have 10 rate and 5 maxpacked or smth :P
hax imo
yeah like addict said, hitboxes are tottaly bugged on crouching enemies and on uneven lvls
If you just want to whine, xfire is the place. If you want the bug fixed, you are going about it in completely the wrong way.

Where to report bugs
- If the bug is not a serious exploit, report it on the ET Bugs Forum or ETTV Forum as appropriate

How to write useful bug report
Support your bug report with screenshots or demos

AVIs are pretty much completely useless for debugging.
well, i think bani cant fix hitboxes, they have tried that for several years now.
major change for good future was in 3.20 that etpro was official for 6months or somenthing if i remember right, then they fuckd up the boxes bigtime.
now new etpro once in a month and no change in boxes
If people don't make useful bug reports, the chances of the bugs getting fixed are very slim. If you give us a demo that clearly shows a problem, we will probably investigate.

If we don't know what is broken, we sure as fuck aren't going to fix it. But as I said, if you just want to whine, this is the place.

People *always* whine about the hitboxes. Every time we release, at least one person says "OMGZ YOU TOTALLY SCREWED THE HTIBOX" even when they did not change AT ALL. So we really need more to go on than that.
tbh i think it could be bad luck and spread i have the demo and am going to look at it tomorow, now im going to bed.
ok, ill send demo next time ill have a situation like that.
dont use hitboxors
What an informative and insightful comment. I will cherish and treasure it forever.
np, i live for the crowd.
lol, its just cuz you were shooting his perfoheisers and not his head.

btw: frag: 1/10
config: 2/10
hahaha you made my day thanks <3
I think its more bugged how you could get headshots there without aiming for his head
perfo got fullspawn oh noes :<<<
Yeah crouch is a real pain in the arse to hit, fired 5 rounds perfectly at someone in crouch today. Crosshair was bang in the middle wasn't even going for head, I was in crouch, had just started firing and wasn't being shot by anyone. Out of 5 rounds I got 1 hit.

Things like this happen to me all the time but nowadays I don't know whether to whine about hitboxes, lag or spread.

I can't remember exactly, but I think way back when I started this game while checking through config stuff I saw a kinda cheat code or something where your shots would leave lines so you could see where each shot went. Maybe I'm mistaken but if I'm not perhaps it could be used to check these kind of things out.
They are tracers, u can still use em :D, its not a cheat, if u fire a weapon @ night(in IRL) and u use that ammo, i dont know what ist called in english, u will see the bullet.
EDIT: tracer bullets
No thats not it. What I am talking about was something more along the lines of what is used in forensics. But I may have been mistaken so nvm.
Yea, i was told about those, my bad.
should have aimed at his ears
Maybe his big headset blocks the bullets when getting shot from sides?
hallo spirea laptop!
hallo wolfplayahje!
rate 25000, maxpackets 100, good internet and hitboxes still fuck me. sorry.
dont be sorry ur from NL xD

btw if u whine about his hitboxes u should see mine :P my provider > all stable 500 ping on german servers
im not a german :<
yea perfo and + netlimiter :P

p.s.: OR OMG Israel OMG
his head is protected by sennheiser.
lettu learn how to aim !!
clear wallhack, ban plz
its called "teh crouch bug zomg"
omistut lettu :(
Danone lol xd
i see clear aimbot that was buged by crouching hitbox

-you werent on him

-he has it too, you know

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