i had a dream tonight

i was at LAN. i showered at hotel and went to gaming area. there, someone from my internet friends gave me a free bottle of captain morgan. then i proceeded to beat up the nerds there and nobody could stop me. i really enjoyed this dream. my question to you is : can i foresee the future?
deja vu baby
I've consulted my crystal ball, it said "The outlook is good" - so, yeah, cu there!


mhm ok.
I usually dream with hot girls or with my friends doing a trip. You dream with LAN's. Great!
+1 what a nerd :D
implying i went to LAN alone and didn't meet any of my internet friends there
mad cause u forever a cone
i had a dream 2 days ago where my head got bashed in with a brick

some sorta execution in my own back yard

wtffffffff 0_X
ur nickname reminds me to a pornstar
First thing came to my mind was J. Jonah Jameson.

What the fuck is wrong with me
Jenna Jameson
I had a dream of ET once. I was walking in supply and xPERIA was walking in front of me (He didn't look like him at all but you know, in dreams you just know someone to be somebody), we were going to supply tunnel(The second tunnel) when Bon Jovis Livin' on a prayer started playing from CP. xPERIA stopped and turned around and he looked a bit shocked, he stared at CP for a while and then he pushed me down from the edge and started running in to the tunnel.

I can't remember anything after that, was little weird:D
you forgot the most important part

image: zSQNi
you'll have to go to LAN to make your dream come true, thus making ur statement about forseeing future true, but again, you have to come to LAN
Fist fight at LAN bro, cu thar.
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