UPDATE:stRay and owzo and kiwi castin!

Listen to us!

We are catin the pro midnight 3on3 between dignitas and Queens!

image: game26910

owzo joined us so we cast on english!

nearly 2-2 atm!
nop, i wont
Quote by youarenotsosmart.comPsychologist Fritz Strack devised a simple experiment in 1988 in which he had subjects hold a pen straight out between their incisors and bare their teeth as they read cartoon strips. The subjects tended to find the cartoons funnier than when they held the pen between their lips instead. Between the teeth, some of the muscles used for smiling were contracted, and between the lips they contracted some of the muscles used for frowning. He concluded the subjects felt themselves smiling and decided somewhere deep in their minds they must be enjoying the comics. When they felt themselves frowning, they assumed they thought the comics were dull.

The human brain is fucking stupid.

You can trick your own one into making yourself happier by forcing a smile, even if it's completely out of place.

He finally started posting new things?
I forced a smile when reading your post, and while it might've gotten a bit funnier I have no idea how it's related to this journal.
thanks for sharing
warte ich hör...ne warn wiiiiitz :XDXDXdDXdXdDxdDXddxDxDDDDXDDxdDDDdDdddDDDD
typo nazi avi
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