Antilag Win7

yo guys

Since im living together with 2 roommates, i have to share my internet with them. We are using Wlan with DSL 32.000 and the router is at my roommates room. Some days the connection is soooo bad, that i cant play ET at all :(

I searched on google for like 1 hour now and couldnt find anything useful there. Do you have any advice ? Have you experience with a so called "antilag program" which stabilize the connection ?

would be great if someone could help me, since im always trying to make some interesting journals here on crossfire with hot randomchicks :)

PS: i have access to my router (have pw and stuff)


image: 7p97ieuq
turn off your electronic stuffs!
everything turned off... ??!
dno, never used wlan myself, but some m8 told that his stereo gives him unstable inet when using wlan.
Best thing to do is when you are living with torrenters, is when you feel yourself lagging is :

Scream maniacally "WHO THE FUCK IS FUCKING DOWNLOADING!?"'so the whole house hears you. In my experience the lag stops for around 1-2 hours.

Rinse and repeat.
ive done it like 10 times tonight ;( still not working.

i guess the problem is, that im living in a big house with many families (~40) and our router uses the same port like other routers. but i have no idea how to change the port :(
No, it doesn't work that way.

How fast is the connection, and is it a separate connection (as in, you contracted it from the ISP yourself) used for just the three of you or is it a building-wide network you just connected yourselves into?
dnno what you mean

im able to download 3,2 mb per second (usually)

we are using one router and connected all with a username and a password :x
bandwitch limiter
1.your roommates should stop downloading porn
using a wireless network to play online is not good...
why,i'm usin it all the time and have pings 20-50,very rarely lags
and let us know is this antilag tool from DeVito works,im interesting.
ill test it tomorrow

will tell you tomorrow if its working since im interesing too
install netlimiter on their computer :P
a router with QoS give priority to ET in the router :P
Low priority for downloading and torrents and youtube. etc.
Or just make sure QoS give all the priority to only your connection :D

Next to that
change the channel of the WLAN manual, test some different channels, and see what gives most speed.

It's also possible the router can't handle that many wireless connections because it's too slow.
there are some tools with which you can just kill their connectivity.. i´m not sure if it work via ethernet tho (i only tried it with WIFI). You basically run it, press the start button and your device will be the only one who has access to the internet (until they restart the router or you stop the tool). I think its some kind of arp poisoning?

I think you could also use cain & able and redirect all their connections to localhost or some local ip with arp poisoning? :P
use wlan optimizer
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