teaaaaaaaam taaaaank (hon)

After the SUCCESFUL MANNING UP EARLIER THIS WEEK Anonymous we from the Japan/United Kingdom ANIME LINUX NERD CLUBBING decided to go FULL ON TEAM TANK BITCH on some HOES.

NEW VIDEO LINK HERE (viewer discretion is advised)
Takeouts commentary

image: Ld1T5

Netherlands Azatej
England Meez
Zoetermeer Shuki
Poland dialer (playing only)
Estonia fredd
Netherlands perfo

Thoughts, bitches?

image: KGRfY

Have a good night.

image: 0dAws
image: L6Kd4
image: Image_20
n1 fail last journal
Quoteteam tank


and as if listening to shuki whine about pangya on vent isn't enough, now it's in avi's.
you fucking pro.
i just fucking bought hon because of this~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

fingers in gash.

image: tumblr_lkiahuwCIe1qedcqto1_500
You know I genuinely appreciate you and your comrades' jolly adventures, but in this case I have to admit that I am at least somewhat disappointed with the content of the journal.

I would not recommend this to any of my friends nor shall I post the link on my Facebook.

I make the best journals.
i'd watch this whole day

whole day

damn dat hag is bad
nice playing against 1300 guys
Honestly that raging reminds me of Swani
DotA has changed a lot since the days of glory and skill

image: bvbhfv5vxa5lz98zd

image: newschool

image: old-school_large-1

today's piece of shit world is all about HoN, hipsters and scooters
dont forget anime,piano and ross
Had quite an ownage-day myself

image: wG5Kk
This makes me wanna play HoN, real manhood out here.
semi entertaining

the occasional 'BITCH' in /all saved the vid
Nice Perfo&Azatej ;)
wheres teh interesting part?
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