schnee schnaaa

Good morning peepz,

Arrived at work and I’m bit tired. but it’s already Tuesday and maybe I got 2 days off end of week.. gonna ask my boss today :x sooo maybe only one day more this week :p will see! Since im still bit flashed from last weekend I guess I’ll join same event (demo berlin) next weekend again. How was your evening? werent there some interesting matches to watch?! :o

Questions of the day:
Do u like listen radio or mp3’s? at work: radio else mp3
do u like to camp or a u more the rambomedic or 3rd option (thx evo) teamplayer? rambo can be teamplayer 2 :x

nano convincing song:
Schnee Song:

image: Brandon+Boyd+pic06
image: GQ-Rosie-Huntington-Whiteley-11%5B1%5D

Shoutouts: carla (aww :*), wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Panda (just....), Michael (finally back), CONFO( !), mica (lips), flooflooo (miau), dialer(kikoo), marko(!), .ee & fins =), the GANG(<3), m!das, hentai!, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFEL!, ALAN (:o) and my buddies + special to R..

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1 e: join #schnee if u like to be with the real peepz =) image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1

EDIT cause I’m bit addicted :D :

||I wish u all a nice day||

I like to rambo around but when needed i'm with the team :P

Starting to get tired littlebit, been up all night long due not being tired earlier, gotta roll out soon and get some things done, then prolly home and to sleep, living the life lol.

COOLLER image: heart ( No homo )

Also been replaying this: for hours now 8) ( ty super )
Solid timing to reply, image: cheesy
cooller is shy i guess it was just this situation. dunno i rly need more prrofs :P
COOLLER new HERO here :x

btw this song its cool (a bit,. dunno) but it reminds me of uffie!

Cooller? :P
tongue! !!!! all about!
Ah, clicked the same link twice so I missed that one.

That is epic :DD
image: 188876_202749156417554_100000474126166_781131_1759045_n

Do not like that one too much, somehow not my style, need to be littlebit faster imo :P

image: heart
i am talking it (c) cooller <3
Song feels kind of empty. I used to play it two or three years ago though.
sog is old ofc but the voice from miNds song reminds me of her :) nothing more
haha I was trying to reply to mind ;d
Claptrap on 19/07/11, 09:29:57 Del | Edit | Reply

Song feels kind of empty. I used to play it two or three years ago though.
all I read was:

COOLLER ( homo )
sleeping finally? ;)
Ye fall a sleep, lol.

Just woke up, couple hours before u get to work lololo image: heart
i overslept ffs :(

just arrived at work :p

still awake boy?
Yeah, been watching a movie and newest True blood, gonna hit shower now and then outside, like sicko weither out there cant waste at home :P
its raining here :(
uuuh nice. so hurry reply in morning journal and the rup move outside boy ;)
hah, forgot my coffee on the first reply, still gotta drink it and then im cool to go trolol
yea watched et all weekend, razz won em all

A # 1 : radio
A # 2 : didnt understand lol

pic doesnt work

Quake fags

edited and pls stay friendly in here its early . ty :)
ok im like ultra rambo no brains

pic is fine


off i go!
- Radio in the morning (Chris Moyles show) or maybe talk sport then its onto the ipod for mp3's
- Neither... teamplayer!!!!

p.s. morning gorgeous x
good morning paul :)

totally forgort about teamplaying :PP
Obligated to listen to radio at work and it's fucking retarded. Shit music and those adverts are so goddamn annoying. I find it strange that such childish and retarded adverts can actually convince some people to buy those things.

What a sad world this is.
i bought my first ipod after i saw this awesome advertisement in tv. this totally got me!

tv ads are different from radio ads!
lucky me felt bad for a moment!
owww rhandy u get annoyed so easily :/
Easily? Depends. If you're a radiostation it's easy to annoy me, otherwise it's not THAT easy.
see u're annoyed right now. too easy
You should look up the word "annoyed".
here u go again. relax man, u'll get sick on ur nerves
good morning,

I am slightly annoyed cause people don't listen to what I say. you know the situation you come back from a meeting with ur boss and you're supposed to do 3920 things and you didn't even enter the room yet and already 3 people yell "oh I need to talk to you about blaabllaaaaaablaaaaaaaaa". cant they fucking wait 5 minutes? >:| GRRRRRRRR.

Do u like listen radio or mp3’s?
I almost never listen to radio cause there is only shit on it, so usually its mp3 (car & at home - no music at work).

do u like to camp or a u more the rambomedic or 3rd option (thx evo) teamplayer?
since I'm not a great aimer I'd like to say I am a teamplayer :D
welll.. im always one of thos impatiant peepz which cannot wait :p

poor u u got no music at work :o i couldnt be w/o!
you can be, once the GEZ dude has been there and explaining how you have to pay zeh gebühr if you want to listen at work...
also, we got a lot of kundenverkehr and it would look weird if we had music... there is also no music in the bank :P
ye true usually i see no others just my colleagues ;) but its not allowed official to listen to.. but it seems it still okay that my boss need to wink and stand up to reach me :x

afaik the one listening to the radio has to pay the GEZ and not the company so its even another reason not to listen :P
but I remember now that we used to have this little radio we turned on sometimes when there is no kundenverkehr. why dont we do that anymore? mhmm....
yep, listening to streams isn't exactly easy in an office :DDDD
(got my earplugs in most of the time anyway, so people leave me alone... or at least i do not hear them as loud as without)

PS(can't be bothered to make a 2nd reply to you): people want YOU to do thousands of things so you do have those days? :o MADNESS :)

hope they'll leave you alone from now on so you get some time for the more important things at work, other than work^^
my boss would kick my butt if I was wearing earplugs :D

anyway, in general I cant complain at all about my job. I mean, I have the time to nerd on crossfire so what should I whine about? :D

but I think it's just a question of manners, you dont literally jump on someone that just spend a good 1.5 hours at the boss' office and didn't have coffee or breakfast yet cause the boss kidnapped him already before the actualy worktime started....
(excluding the pay, cause i dunno what you earn) you'd probably love it around here ... well no fixed hours LOTS of free time (though no 'official' breakfast time^^) and... well... that's it already xD
haha, maybe once I am pissed enough I am gonna apply at ur company then :P
nah we can also eat whenever we want. we got fixed working times, but if I like have to get my car for the garage I just tell my boss I will be 30 minutes later and thats no problem.
music at work - check
flexible hours - check
flexible break - CHECK^^
plus lots of free time... also to nerd on cf :P

BUT, and that will put you off probably, only a microwave oven in the kitchen, no real one and no stove :(
thats ok, I rather order food than putting anything in the microwave anyway :D
there's an XXL service delivering around here, never tried it, but seems to be just your thing xD
XXL food is for idiots. thats like going to mcdonalds and ordering 15 big macs knowing you cant eat them O_o
nah, (besides i'd probably take that bet^^) nah, imo it's tastier, and the prices are very ok'ish imo, and you can still share with colleagues xD
oh yeah, that sounds ok, like sharing one xxxxxxxxl schnitzel with a few people :D else I dont see sense in it... I mean the food is usually nothing special, its just big and more than you can eat.
Pizza Menu III
Pizza of choice (45x32cm)
+ noodle dish of choice (if its the same as a 'normal' dish it's 1.5 kg 0o)
+ 1 l Softdrink

doubt there is one able to eat that on his own, so yea, sharing is imo the only option, should be enough for at least 3, more like 4 people, so 20€ isn't that much^^
yea that sounds alright :)

free day here! Gonna go shop for some new jeans later and still gotta hand in some stuff about my income (which is non existent) for the uni administration. Later today some jogging in the afternoon/evening.

1) Mp3 at home and mostly in the car, radio just for the news then. In the gym they always got a station on that seems to only have about 6 songs (all David Guetta, J-Lo, Florida and this other new wave electro/hiphop/chartstuff) :-|

2) Teamplayer I guess :-|

Still listening to the Sascha Braemer track from yesterday, nice stuff :-))
hey :)

jeans doesnt suit anymore eh? do u work next to studium or just beggin parents or bafög?

just check from time to time for new stuff ;)
Yeah, that's the downpart of the weight loss. Pretty expensive to shop for new clothes. But it's still nice :D

Just living off bafög mainly (got less than most hartzIV ppl out there, but I'm not complaining :)). I'm working in the summer for a couple of weeks though when exams etc. are done.
What the hell you bafögging about?
its a student loan u have to pay usually back after uni (bot not immediatly u got some time to earn)
my gf recently got her letter saying "oh hai, please give us our $ 389438409384390394"
It's 10.000 € max :o
maybe I exaggerated a bit... and she didn't even have the highest amount possible, I think it's around 4000,00 € - she only has to pay back half of it and you can get another discount if u pay it at once etc
Yep, I'll have to pay back the full 10k most likely. Finished next year and haven't really checked on that. But I think the terms and conditions are extremely fair, especially with the discount.
just a bit =)
a tiny, tiny bit ;P

Feeling really tired. Went to a Roxette concert yesterday, which at first I thought I wouldn't like (not realyl my cup of tea). But after going I don't regret going. I was actually surprised at how many songs I knew. After that I hit a pub with some friends, obviously slept in and was late to work. Ohwell ! :D

Do u like listen radio or mp3’s?
MP3 mostly, sometimes radio in car

do u like to camp or a u more the rambomedic or 3rd option (thx evo) teamplayer?
Dno, i'm too bad to take a role. I guess I'm still more of a teamplayer since I usually play MOBA games.

Greetings from EE!
they played that song as the last song when people called them back. It was truly awesome :P
makes me jelly when u heart others than me :'(
Prolly hearting the song, wouldn't worry :>
ofc he was hearting the song :DDDDDDDD
that's what you think! xD
everything else would be strange eh :DDDDDDDD
Radio just while driving, rarely mp3, usually spotify, at work youtify.

Usually I camp in a stupid position for too long and fail.
Do u like listen radio or mp3’s?
mp3 !

do u like to camp or a u more the rambomedic or 3rd option (thx evo) teamplayer?
depends tbh..on public im more the rambomedic but sometimes in wars im the smartplayer ;P

now im off to university. fuckn tired -_-
- Chris Moyles fo sho!!!
- Bare strafer, WHAT CAN YOU DO!?!?
Tired as hell... annoyed by work.
Sometimes radio sometimes mp3, Depends on my mood
I m rifle so I guess I'm quiet rambo though I try to be a teamplayer :D

Good morning btw :)

Ps: wsk is old
Seems you have even more time to be creative at work than I have :DD
no, I am on the phone and creative at the same time! :D
even though people usually ask me "you still there?" when I get too creative
Played blak ops with my step dad and kicked some bumoles

Radio is doooope!


I'm objective player, best in et. sometimes i do'nt even shoot a bullet but ill get all dem flags and papers
morning, another great day in paradise. aaaaahhhhhhhhhh feels good

1. mp3

2. Croatiabrainlessmediconlyrambo
Hallo :> nice long weekend for you maybe :PPPP
Didn't really look for some matches to watch, would only make me want to play! So, was watching Prof Brian Cox serie "Wonders of the Solar System which is great :>

Today I go to the fracture clinic so they can finally show/do some xrays, put full plaster cast on and will ask some questions, if all good I book flight to Tenerife later for next month :> maybe upload photos later from the operation scars >:D

Do u like listen radio or mp3’s? mp3 playah ofc, goes everywhere with me :p but new one also has radio so usually radio 2/classic FM if I get signal.

do u like to camp or a u more the rambomedic or 3rd option (thx evo) teamplayer? Teamplayer <3 but depends on map/if public as I like to have fun/camp/push out sniping :P
Hellooo, last night was gayming LoL with mates, always funny & laughing around going crazy. today I'm gonna find out if I have work yet. Might have to work today and for 4 weeks straight from now. Hope not :). Have to earn some money for my drivers license though.

Also caring for some little chicks now. Same chicken that already hatched 9 two months ago decided to hatch 5 more. She didn't like one though so he/she is sitting in the house under a hot red light. Taming my other chicks to sit on my shoulder etc. working out quite well so far.

Questions of the day:
Radio or mp3? Radio when I'm in the car or doing anything that only takes an hour or so. Can't listen to it for more since you are bound to hear the same songs and they are not my favourites so. I always listen to mp3 when playing a game or just browsing & doing random shit. BBCradio1 is fine and they have some cool and funny hosts but you really need to listen so I can't really listen to that during a game.

do u like to camp or a u more the rambomedic or 3rd option (thx evo) teamplayer? I don't play ET anymore but I used to be some kind of teamplayer I guess.

GL at work.

Listen to 'all I hear' remix.
morning! went sleep at and woke up a little after 9, im a bit sleepy now. atm watching `two and a half men` in tv. a pretty good weather here in Poland so might go to the lake today.

Do u like listen radio or mp3’s? at home: mp3, gym: radio station, car: mp3/radio
do u like to camp or a u more the rambomedic or 3rd option (thx evo) teamplayer? 2nd or 3rd, it depends

few tunes:
Phil Fuldner - Lights Off
Mike Posner - Please Don't Go
Keri Hilson - Lose Control
Jason Derulo - Don't Wanna Go Home
Erick Morillo & Eddie Theonik feat. Shawnee Taylor - Stronger
Tiesto pres. Allure Feat JES - Show Me The Way

cheers x
jason derulo is a fucking faggot. listen to this instead:
yea this rocks <3
thx for the tunes. where do u live in poland? im currently working in frankfurt oder. weather is awesome idd :)
i live in poznan, around 200km from you :p
Morning :)

Questions of the day:
Do u like listen radio or mp3’s? Mp3's all the way. I freaking hate the music they play on the radio.
Do u like to camp or a u more the rambomedic or 3rd option (thx evo) teamplayer? Teamplayer. YES, I AM! AND I REGRET NOTHING.

I overslept pretty bad and now my entire day is ruined x) I'm already mad again. My appointment at university would be like now, but I'm still sitting here in my comfy clothes and I really doubt I will get properly dressed in the next 15 minutes, so... I rather get coffee.
i overslept and i got sms of the pick up boy and i had like 5 minutes to finish^^

better mood my dear? :*
nah, mood is still bad x) :*
mp3s obvously, radio sux, i dont want to hear lady gaga / bruno mars ever 10min.
cmon it was a smasher :DDDDDDDD
for me it was so do not make jokes about me. !

Morning. :)

1. Both
2. All of them? :o
depends always on game pub or war or low or high true :)


:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :):))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):::::::::::::::::))))))))))
cooller is awesome, i fucking like you girl!
cheer for coollerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
i catch myself while watching it :x

oh yeah!
i do it too!
just came from lunch. now still some hours 2 go. do smth? :D
It was 5:00 when I posted that :D
:DDDDDDDD ye sry im bite late. so what have u done this day? :P
u had a shit or wut? :DDDDDD
you have überholt me at profilehits

-_- banane
muahahahah a.D
schnee schnaaa schnappie
u r the first that noticed ;)
Ich bin shnappi das kleine pedofil
mp3 until I listened the playlist too often, switching to radio or CD then (in the car; at home grooveshark or it is)

Always trying to go the easiest/bestest way to the objective, I should stop doing this though if my teammates go different ways. Definitely not a camper, sometimes rambo, sometimes rather defensive..
woke up 1h ago and sun is shinning, so i'm going to the beach.

I almost never listen to the radio, except when i'm in someone else's car, so mp3.
As i only play on pubs, i'm a rambo.

ps: there are lots of "Figos" in portugal ^^
:DDDDDDDD yeah imo next year. arent there machos only? ;)

no work?
nah, that's just a cliché.
and no, no work for me, at least during summer. It's the only time i can tan since i'm living in belgium :D
what r u doing in belgium? :)
studying, starting engineer this year :)



Addicted to this song atm:

In case you cant watch it in Yermany its Calvin Harris - Bounce feat. Kelis
i like kelis but not this song :'(
hello schnee, i always enjoy your journals :)

Questions of the day:
Do u like listen radio or mp3’s? drum&bass/dubstep radio or mp3s ;)
do u like to camp or a u more the rambomedic or 3rd option (thx evo) teamplayer? i play fops, eng smg, eng rifle, cov, or medic so im a real obiplayer and def. not a rambomed!

song for you:
ty :)

but the song. wtf!!

sooooooooo instead of take this oldie but still......!
ohai schschsch
radio no ty :X
i play the smg engi who always rushes in and then dies :(

stupid medics no backup

e: ty for cooler repost, i already lost the link :X
have it on my favs :x
seems profile textbox-worthy :>
ill change right now :D
radio @ work

"join #schnee" - until you forget about irc and your own channel (for the 100th time again) :p
pls..........!!! :)

there was a boy and he showed me his life. everything else was gone till i gone now :P
1 mp3!!
2 i dunno im not really playing et anymore
Schnee, have babies with me! PLEASE. THEYLL BE BLONDE, SKINNY AND PRETTY.

our own little ubermensch<3
ur lips imo!

haha i wish i could do that :(
no need for this i still like u... <3
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