BVB vs Hertha BSC 10.9.2011

So im going to dortmund with my mates at september and trip main reason wanting to watch some live bundesliga and enjoy little bit beer in 5 days. :P So our plan gonna be BVB vs Hertha BSC 10.9.2011 and need a couple advice.

Trying to find the cheapest price of tickets to game and have found this:

Just thinking 55e can be little bit overprice so if u know better webpage or how much tickets are actually paying just help me little bit!!
Someone knows how much paying train bremen-dortmund-bremen????
use the "weekendticket"

then you can drive with 5 people at one day of the weekend all day long with the trains you want in whole germany

ticket costs like 37 eu i believe -> ~ 7-8 eu per person

(you gotta drive with the regional trains -> no ice, ic, Regional EXPRESS; only slow trains)
thx! we will figure something out.
lolol, nice landodge-excuse
sure i prefer to go lan at central europe and paying that as much as if i can go with 4-8 mates to dortmund thursday to tuesday??? :D moron
rofl way too much

in hannover i used to pay like 15 eu
Dortmund = gutes stadion ( bestes ) Hannover = kacke

e: ich war in beiden ich kanns beurteilen
habe ich nichts dran zu bemängeln !!

aber 50 eu für ne karte ist schon happig, meinste net ?

nicht wirklich kundenfreundlich..
ist aufjedenfall teuer.. weiß auch nicht wo die preise herkommen.. ich hab immer so 28 euro bezahlt & war zufrieden mit.

e: 28 euro für einen guten sitzplatz. Stehplatz kostet dann noch weniger
switzplatz :S

Richtige Fans und so :D
Junge ich bin der einzige dortmund fan bei mir & so, ich bin 15 & so. Da stell ich mich nicht dahin?
Warum nicht? Als wenn sie pubertären Jungs den Kopf abreißen wenn sie das gleiche Team anfeuern.
already have been at hannover 2007. hannover vs wolfburg. Stadion seems like being at hill or built inside the hill if im right?
nope not rly. its at the "maschsee" a bigger lake in hannover

no hill at all :P

image: hannover-stadion
hmm then dont remember right... but i have been there... was our club season ending trip to germany! :P
maybe u mean kaiserslautern?
er vergleicht dortmund (schönstes stadion der welt (offiziel!) mit den besten fans und momentan deutscher meister) mit soeinem scheiß wie hannover

image: meh.ro563
man kann auch übertreiben du banane
du bist doch der, der übertrieben hat mit dem vergleich.

ich war noch nicht in vielen fußballstadien (leider) und kann daher nur mit erfahrungen aus dem stadion in hannover dienen. Außerdem hatte ich auch recht (siehe predi..blablas kommentar) ich lag garnet so falsch mit dem ticketpreis.

aber wenn man gleich als dortmund fan jeden kommentar als angriff auf deren ach so tolles stadion bewertet, dann find ich das ziemlich übertrieben !

ich wollte nur helfen und hatte keine bösen absichten gegeüber euch dortmundern
du bist doch der, der meine ironie nich erkennt.

bin schon hasserfüllte kommentare gewohnt, dass ich manchmal die ironie net mehr sehe ;P
55€ is not too much for the 2nd bestestestest club in the world!!
hertha macht euch nieder sagen die berliner.............!
ich mag borussia aber mein herz schlägt gür hertha :)
tickets are not avi yet, so i dont see where those ticket prices are coming from. best you order directly via the ticket shop at the bvb homepage.

as you can see, only tickets for the HSV game are available yet. compare the prices to yours.
hmmm... can be fake thät ???
cant understand deutch sorry so....
Any idea when tickets will be avi???
i think tickets selling starts 2 weeks before the match usually. altho i dont think your page is fake. i think because you are in finland, you have to plan your journey to germany ect so a few tickets are avi for foreign countries way before they become avi in germany. so you guys have a chance to attend. and i think thats why the price is that high on your page. and also, i dont know if eventim ships the tickets outside of germany. so i guess your best chance is to stick with your finish ticketpage.

e: btw good choice ;) best club in the world, best stadium in the world.
Yup. have been in 2 games at bundesliga years ago and we bought tickets like half year earlier... U have any idea how much tickets pay at germany to u or anyone else?
you mean how expensive they are if you buy them in germany? there is a list on the page i posted the link before:

klick on "Bestellen" and then "Preisliste"

prices are from 17€ to 80€
just call the ticketcenter! they DO talk english m8

best solution

eventho bvb < bayern
aufm papier vielleicht. stimmung in dortmund > bayern
brauch hier jetzt kein schwanzvergleich

fakt ist, dass dortmund gute fans hat und ein super stadion

fakt ist aber auch, dass es viele vorurteile gegenüber den bayernfans gibt (wobei ich selbst kein großer fan von den ultras bin).
fakt ist auch, dass bayern das beste deutsche team ist.
eventho bvb < bayern

brauch hier jetzt kein schwanzvergleich

yea will be soon. just thought there are ppl who can help also. and juventus > all !!
gtfo with italian football league! most retarded shit in europe!
I don't know what it's like in Dortmund but I'd choose standing tickets over seats any day. Firstly, it's cheaper, secondly, atmosphere is way better and as long as you cheer for the right team, you won't get into trouble (you probably won't anyway). Generally it's just way more fun.
Yes, it is nearly the same in Dortmund. You get the best atmosphere at the Südtribüne where more than 25,000 people are standing. It is an unbelievable feeling when you are part of the mass. But of course it is also a great experience to sit and see the yellow wall dancing and screaming. Everybody who was part of it or has seen it in live knows what I am talking about.

Unfortunatly, the chance to get a ticket for it is not higher than 4%. More than 24,000 of the stands are given away as season tickets and the rest is sould out faster than you can think of. Normally all tickets are already sold at the first part of the advance sale where only bvb members can order tickets.
I could lend you my season ticket, south :/
As you can see here ( ) the advance sale started already. At eventim ( - use shop id 57 since here you will get free tickets before they will be shown at shop id 20 which is linked at the official bvb page!) But it will be hard to find some tickets as it seems to me that the match has been sold out?!

Be careful with tickets from ebay and viagogo! Borussia Dortmund is one of the biggest enemies of such second market places for tickets in Germany (just one article about it,1518,685012,00.html sadly German only) You can buy them, but do not say that I did not warn you if Dortmund could identify the tickets and banned them from their entree system :-)
omg matsku :o

been there too!!
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