ase aka top3eu + rizla bonus

hey i heard ase is searching gaming, lets see what they have to offer

Quote[16:20:17] (+ase`c1ever`PHX) Well we are playing at same level like oxid did .. or maybe worst becaus we just started with this lineup , but after few weeks we will play like they or better , from our old squad they went to poland in lan got 2nd place tehre , now this is kind of new lineup and new name , we were in top 15 in cb , i played for natinoal team iceland , 2 are playing for team slovenia , one is in top 7 best rifles in europe , and one is just a nice and skilled guy , and we need a litle bit support for a lan , pay entrance 300euros and hotel if it would be possible and ofcours T SHIRT :P!!

to make everything clear:
+ noone from their squad went polish lan
+ top15 isnt that hard in ET
+ rizla aka top7 of rifles in EU (??????????????????) wtf
+ seareal in team slovenia, new things i read
+ "one is just a nice and skilled guy" - soz, i cant find miNd in your lineup

ARNAR's statement about c1ever aka Lukey

QuoteMan that guy is the most retard that has ever played ET. Dont know where to start but first of all he was never in Team Iceland hes busted atleast 2-3 times even his dad was playing et and he got busted xDDDDDDD. Everyone from Iceland knows that hes a retard and has been busted more than once hes not even Icelandic hes polish but lives in Iceland afaik just stay away from him xD his name was once Lukey or something and he got busted with it and some more.

have a good laugh my friends
team iceland member obv 8D
haha no shit, sherlock ;D
< insert u jelly picture here >
we were in top 15 in cb -> #15 @ LADDER? HOLY FUCKING SHIT
i played for natinoal team iceland -> no
2 are playing for team slovenia -> no
one is in top 7 best rifles in europe -> no
numeric, slajdan xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


SLAJDAN COMING BACK TO ET - riZla? GTFO u stupid fucktard, get life and get real name u stupid dumbass, i hope u rmother is always drunk and in my opinion u are unwanted
Who is acting like a kidd>O) ?

and yee ofcours this is bullshit :x
You need to tell a crap if you want to get a good mgc ... or atleast i did

And hell yeah its fuckin funny :)
Let laugh all together :**
u told crap in that way when noone can believe this shit + chosen isnt enough stupid to get trolled
Well i didint / dont know him .. how could i know :P
but atleast i know now .. and arnar got it wrong .. my dad did start play this game and then i started and when i got this red yawn he didint know he played same computer as i did thats why he had red yawn too :)

so cheers mates :************
learn english, i cant understand shit
why u came to iceland without proper knowledge of english anyways?
hahaha why do in need to learn speak english there?
i can speak Icelandic perfect..
just look your "application" for gaming and then think for a while why u need english retard

no more replies to u, jestes jebanym idiota, 5
you are hurting my feelings when you are calling me idiot :< <3 !!

dobra zamknij juz morde
its not funny, its fucking pathetic
They wouldn't even win a match in oc 1st division, true story.
QuoteWell we are playing at same level like oxid did
do you? x))
playing with his father and get both busted =)))))
18:11 seareal : ase`squAze`PHX
18:11 seareal : and me
18:11 seareal : are in team slovenia
u give me and look at fb
if they didn't play any offis then they are not :~>
18:11 seareal : ase`squAze`PHX
18:11 seareal : and me
18:11 seareal : are in team slovenia

just pathetic 8D
Now we wait for a comment from Robaciek / Lazio/oizaL and tanchez xdd :))) !
e-career is OVAR
naah not for me atleast dont rlly care :P i told a crap over there dont rlly care still going at lan :)
its all over
Quote(17:35:05) (+seareal) oh my fucking ego, need a team avi anytime /q
he played some low 3v3 world cup cause noone else wanted to play
and he played 2wars with us a month ago for fun
not in real team slovenia
just ask him to show himself in cb roster and thats it =)

( from Slovenia team captain )
forgot to mention the guy writing this in order to get support for lan has 4 banned CB accounts ":D"
I see 2 dot's, nice application!
If that riZla guy is in 7top rifles in Europe how good am I?!?!?!?

Seems like nice team, gl to them!
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