
Broke up with gf, want to paly again and lose my life even more. Drunk and horny to load some headshots, awesome acc, and give some nonunderstandable comms.

pm me - 3o3 only since i dunno how to 5o5 shitstorm format.

Regards, fuck you.
best 3o3 player I played against..

Please do not troll - im cynic and shy guy with low gamehole ego.
I was honest.
To be totally honest i know im annoying player as opponent, but noone ever said im somehow good.

Thats motivatin, but.. im back to my life.
To drunk to play, to serious to play online games once again.
always on the rights spots to push out etc.. I know fucking annoying idd :P

anyway its just a game. if ur not SUPER good it can be still fun :O)
pic of her
avi as 2nd and lets get a 3rd!
Gimme few mins to upload chaplja slackfuck and ill call you.
Wybacz przyjacielu, ale kobieta mojego zycia jednak powrocila po rozum do glowy. Do nastepnego zyciowego failia w rutmie brzdeku hitboxow.

Ciesz sie moim szczesciem JD + coke and ice ;)
Szczescie jest przy grze 8D jak znowu zerwiesz z dziewczyna na dluzej niz 5min to pisz, z checia zagram :))
best 3o3 player I played against..

"Also likes long walks on the beach and lots of cuddles"
Sup mr. oldschool ? Its funny to be so anonymouse in community and known as hacker.
I'm sorry, but I cannot determine whether this is an insult or not. Please refrain from doing so if it is the former.
Wanted to watch some hate against cheaters with slac. Gimme attention for duck sake.

your account is weaker than my life :C
You are this bald guy which said once smth about coke and dope on lans wat makes me laugh as fuck ?

Cool, czesc, pozdrawiam, niedz.
yep am bald but nop, i wasn't talking about that at all. i've just snorted some powder back in 2k8 at some polish lan but whats to talk about? but i think i know who you mean, there even was a journal about doping & ec lately or w/e

cheers ^,^
u will pwn mate.
not only considring your name, your gf situation,your alcohol & drug addiciton, and your measningless name.
you are perfect for ET these days, perfect
avi for threesome
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