this dude

Beautiful animal.
he was smart enough to take the one without the gun :)
Hope they didn't kill it :(
It succumbed to its wounds later that night in the veterinary. Probably because he got stabbed and hit by villagers as well.
As sad as it is that this creature died as a result of wounds caused by humans, what the fuck else would you expect a human to do? Go "okay, eat me then!" - NO!
fight it like a man, w/o a gun !
Man stands no chance against the more powerful beast.
How cool would it be though to be attacked by a leopard though? At least you'll be remembered. Better than dying of aids, old age or cancer LoL
Cancer League of Legends?image: mexitroll
would be like:

Some african kids sitting around and talking about their dead father

Ngr 1: My father was the coolest and strongest guy in our village. He had a painful death because of Malaria but he didnt show it and faced it like a real men!
Ngr 2: My father had the worst death of all. He died slowly because of Aids
Ngr 3: Thats NOTHING ! My father got eaten by a LEOPARD after they fighted a couple of hours in the djungle

Ngr 1 + Ngr 2: woooow thats sooo awesome ! ;o
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