Reflex game?

Played this game today and wondered how good other CF people will do in this game.

It is just a game where you need to click targets before they go away. There is three different Stages(map, level whatever you want to call them). You will play these three stages all over again and it gets harder every time you enter them again. After three targets have faded, you lose and you are able to see your score.

Post your highscores here!
368k, 93 acc

boring game played the 3 stages 3 times insta close
580k 83% accu
632k, 92acc
89 acc
561.000, 94% accuracy.
752k 95acc
Got boring since it wouldn't give me game over....Smashed it hard
623k, 94%
25 k 29 acc
93 acc

fucking boring
855k 98%
reflexes are bad, been at club too much
Score: 1515000
Accuracy: 95%
Speedy Bozar has world record on this, and lots of other reflex games.
image: 253
first and last try, my wrist always hurts when I play such reflex games
738k 90% acc

e: it takes way too long compared to other reflex games :c but its nice!
When does it end? also, it doesnt seem to count my score.
It ends when you are not fast enough to click three targets in a round, means it goes away. It doesn't show scores, some bug, it will show score in the end however:P
so how long do I need to play to not be able to keep up anymore you think?
901k 94 acc

94% acc

Took like 15 minutes so I couldn't really be arsed anymore (died on purpose). 2nd level is way too easy compared to 3rd, and 1st level is only hard for the first 15 clicks. :p
609k, 98% acc

and then just brain lagged :(
so easy :x
92% acc
w00t, we have a winner, I did 40k worser than you:s
Yea, I used to play Reflex Game 1 from raziel aiming tutorial a lot few months ago :P Was pretty good at it.
if so easy why so low score :x
88 acc

was hard on laptop without mouse
you've always been owner on laptop.
Didn't try lol :)
570k 90acc
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