free iphone

today i found iphone in the train :-D
what should i do ?

keep ?
sell ?
return ?

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any of those options is fine
return, imagine if it was you that lost it.
ye you wouldn't get it back either :D
Sell it and buy an android phone
they will find you ... iphone=selffindsystem by police...
and what if they find me ? i didnt steal it.
give it back of course ;)

i would give it back too ... if i would lost my phone i would cry ;X
Quoteif i would lost my phone i would cry ;X
im 2nd hummel ;)
And you think police will believe you, when you will say: I didn't steal it?
ofc not in "policecountry" dude
He should be fine if he reflashes it with custom firmware I imagine.
they trace @ IMEI number that doesn't change if you flash the firmware.
Only, if you take it to a shop and they check it there (and the owner of the phone has reported that it's lost and included the IMEI). In other words, you can't be caught unless you're dumb.
thats only if you take it into a shop
ah didnt knew that :o
keep/return dont sell it
gief it to me :x
buy an iphone 4g white :D
htc samsung or iphone :xxx
I would take the iphone but I also would wait for the 5th.
Samsung mit dual core CPU
Genaue modellbezeichnung fällt mir gerade nicht ein.
Müsste das i9100 sein
ist das nicht das galaxy??!
Galaxy s2 :D
that depends whether its an iphone 3 or 4
fucking keep it

blend it : DXDXASD
Give it in to the police, give them your details, and i think if no one claims it you can have it :)
indeed that is a very good strategy.
but usually they will bringt it to some kind of lost&found station and after a year you can get t from kinda fails but the owner has to pay you like 3 % of the item's value, at least here in austria.
Return it if you can find who it belongs to. Other wise read hsTE's comment right above this one.
Did you take the train into pieces? I am wondering how could you find a phone inside a train.
was on the seat
Shouldn't it be "on the train" instead of "in the train" ? just curious.
Well, although the statement is 'on the train' you actually aren't on it are you? You have to walk in it to be on it.

Just a free mindfuck for you there.
He doesnt live in India
return ofc.
Just call the most called number, maybe girlfriend/boyfriend/parents whatever. Say you found this phone and want to return it. Don't need the police
I think I would return it... I mean wtf should I do with 2 iPhones. Otherwise just keep it or you could sell it if your conscience allows you to :)
im a proud owner of an iphone 4 :D
if i was you i should take it!
it looks like he found a 3gs ;)
3gs is also nice..

just put phone to factory settings and dont use gps shit.. police wont come to your house
still not worth it. sell it for 300 bucks and get SGS1 > iphone 3
the phone can be tracked via IMEI, which is a unique number.
if you try to sell it at a shop or ebay, the id will be checked and
in case the person who lost that phone has notified authorities
you will be in trouble. sell it on the street or keep it for yourself.
reflash it to the standard firmware and delete everything
and keep it.
Or simply give it back.
Iphone sucks, sell it and buy an SGS2 have one myself
I don't think eBay requires you to input the IMEI of the phone, nor would you in any way be required to hand it out to anyone who asks for it.
true. but if the auction's winner asks for the imei, you are fucked.
also if you decline and send out the phone and he's having it checked after recieving
what do you think will happen? of course he's gonna report the seller
(e: u could be lucky and he is not interested or doesn't care / know but that's rarely the case..)
just like the guy who found his stolen guitar on ebay after almost 10 years.
I can't imagine it to be too difficult to use a fake identity on ebay and have the payment made as cash.
if somebody is stupid enough to buy such a phone from somebody with 0 ratings than that person really deserves to be screwed, you got a point there.
Well, yeah. Although I'd probably still buy it even if I knew it was stolen (and needed an iPhone), as I could always claim that I didn't know it was stolen if asked, and not take it to any Apple store for repairs (well, there would be no warranty for it anyways so it would be pretty pointless). I'm sure there are many people who don't care where it came from as long as it works and is cheap(er than others).
the problem is that you can't really proof that you haven't stolen it yourself and in order to be free of any charges, just in case ofc, you would have to point them out to the person who gave it to you.
what dogma said...
I would look at pictures, music and videos, then give it back to the dude.
You should return it to the owner.
Keep it or sell it you stupid bastard. Ill buy it off you for £20
Of course do what the owner would never expect and return it. This is your chance to make the world a better place!
Step 1: check his phone number
Step 2: check if you can contact anyone related that can set up an appointment with the person that lost it
Step 3: watch some porn so you're horny (Step 5 will explain more)
Step 4: Go and meet this person
Step 5: You're still quite horny now jerk off and cum on the part where you have to listen when someone calls.
Step 6: Dial the number you got from step 1

Shout trolled hard and run for it
to byl moj fon
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