dynamo best magician!

This guy is truely a fucked man, seriously look at a few of his episodes that he's got on youtube, they are magical! :D

Need to watch!! Make sure you watch throughout the video...


Hope you enjoy :)

edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHy9W9LpvlQ&feature=player_embedded#at=275 check out this free running, mental!
saw this a while ago hes sick :D
He's sick but he's a fucking creep. His "acting" is really forced and isn't natural at all, but his tricks are mad. I hate how he says "Yeah, I'm Dynamo" all the time, it's a bit weird.
Thats probs because the place he grew up "Bradford's Delph Hill Estate, one of the most violent and deprived estates in the north of England"

Obviously didnt have an amazing childhood! Good on him to turn out the way he has
Yeah I agree. His tricks are original and I think he dicks on David Blaine and muppets like that, but he never seems comfortable with talking to people.

I hope he continues to improve and not just use the same tricks.


Thats pretty good :D
annoying accent tbh :P
Cool vid, nice tricks

that guy looks like a huge crackhead tho lol

QuoteHe's got a real job, and he is working. It's called an entertainer. He has as much of a job as any actor, sports star or musician. Because entertaining is a job, it injects happiness and fun into our otherwise mundane lives, and it is that fun and happiness that people like you could really do with. Lighten the fuck up.

It's all a bit of fun, and it is a clever profession to be in, no matter what you say. It takes a hell of a lot of practice to get that good

fake and gay
That bullshit he did on last week's episode @ Rio Ferdinand's gig was complete bollocks, as spouted by several illusionists this week!

The bottle tricks I haven't got a clue, and his acting sucks :D
Like every 'magician' , full of shite
What do u think it is supposed to be then?
A Supersorcerer :S:S
that album one is just ......... wtf
thats not even so hard to fake, the bottle thing was pretty awesome tho :p
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