another peach day

morning legendary crossfire people. been selling peaches for a month now with some small pauses ofc, but that was only just till the new sort grows. job's going pretty good, made like 4k euros so far which is decent, but it could always be better *__*.

pics of mah peach yard:

so anyway I decided to share some stories from this year. some are funny, some are wtf and some are holy shit where the fuck do I live?? in a madhouse??

story no.1: This happened 2 weeks ago. so my bro (18) was working his afternoon shift (14:00 - 19:00) and a image: 1286022304_106277810_6-Opel-Kadet-14-I-LPG-Hrvatska-1286022304 stopped.

mister: hello nice boi. I wanna buy 15 kg of peaches.

naive bro: ok mister, I'll put it in a box.

mister: are u alone in the peach yard? where are ur parents.

naive bro: I'm alone, they are working. (...) here u go mister, 90 kunas.

mister: ow shoot. I left my wallet in the car. I'll bring the peaches in my trunk so I don't come back twice and pay.

naive bro: ok mister.

mister: from 0 to 100 in 3 sec. bye peaches

story no.2: also happened around two weeks ago. 9:00 am and a gray caddy pulled over. there was a guy coming out looking something like image: 149588-hairy_bald_guys. so I was eyes looking for my crowbar just in case.

guy: hello man huh gief me 3 kg of peaches.

me: np.

guy: ow man nice peach yard.

me: yeah, thx.

guy: uh man I'm tired, didn't sleep for almost 3 days.

me: the fuck? rofl wow that's a lot. where are u driving from?

guy: bulgaria, some important stuff. almost caught me on the serbian border

me: what did he just say?????? ..... holy shit. a fucking psycho criminal in mah peach yard. wuuhuuu what are u transporting?? asking like i'm not interested

guy: some plants and seeds...

me: translation drugs cool, where are u driving it?

guy: eu. gonna make big bucks on it.

me: cool, hope u'll get some sleep then and don't spend it all :))) here u go 3 kg.

guy: thx bai

me: image: Richard-Allport-Artist-confused

story no.3: happened 3 days ago. was like 18:00 h. I was sitting in the peach yard with my friend. we were just chatting. suddenly we heard a car pulling over. me: ow good a customer. so I went to the table and waited.... nobody was coming out. weird. I went on the entrance to check. and what I saw????

the car was a black bmw m3 parked and there was a hot chinese woman in high heels, all in black expensive clothes with a purse and a plastic bag in her hand pulling out nettles from my ditch. damn I was fucking stunned :D

after she finished she came to buy some peaches.

hot chinese: hello (she knew we saw her), 2 kg of peaches plz. silently smiling

me: np

hot chinese: u prolly seen me pulling out nettles back there?

me: who us?? yeees

hot chinese: I need them for my mother, she's ill. I know it looked silly.

hot chinese dropped her keys, and bent down to pick them up with her ass in front of me

me: looking like a moron no worries. I have a sick grandma I know. that would be 12 kunas.

hot chinese: thank u, u're very kind. here's 50 kunas.

me: *__* no it's not necessary being polite

hot chinese: plz take it, I'll come back another time. for some nettles and peaches :)))

me: ok bai

damn she was fine. something like image: kelly-hu

that's it, maybe it's not so funny to u, but it's awesome cause it actually happened. almost like in the movies :p

anyways now little off topic. my bro has his 18th birthday today. so he's throwing a big party. we rent a 150 square metres space, and there will be around 80 - 90 people. lot's of booze and drunk bitches. gonna be fun. now going to the pub for some coffee, then do some final preparations for the bday and then party like a mad man :)) free peach day today, guess why :)


wow stories!! just woke up. bit in a hurry. readin laterz! :) wish ya a nice day =)

cool stories farmerus!
rofl, why are you selling them so cheap
recession bro
if my memory serves me right kunas are called kunas because they used to trade stuff for kuna pelts, am i right?
yes u are, smart boi :)
nah, its just that i always remember stupid things
my country's history's not stupid :(
well, lets say unimportant then
that it is :)
heeey and this time I didnt miss it :D
sick stories bro :DD hahaha :DDD
about first story - teach your bro a lesson; 3rd story wierd about nettles but who cares if she dropped da keys :D
the 3rd one was a trap :P
oh god.. we ate so much in croatia and paid so little money
go to the pub for a coffee FUCK YEAH
Hello my lemondrop
<3 i see u changed ur nick
yeh, back to my normal nick again :p
Oké, I read it now.

So my little croat got the hots for dat girl eh ^^ And have phun tonait!
bedankt sexy ^^
wtf so cheap. when i was there everything was expensive !
on the coast everything is fucking expensive
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