rifle protips #2

today - supply depot

image: dsc00050qhq

acording to ruler 3 cm from east, just jump near double doors, in mid air press mouse1 = easy spawnrape :)

stay tuned for third
thanks to you grzesiek i gonna change my main to rifler, your pro tips are amazing, can't wait for #3
hahaha no nie moge :D
to wsadz se chuja pod lewa noge
didnt knew that
nice but you actually sit there with a triangular ruler doing shots? :D

Although they are ok rifle shots Be assed xDDDDDDD anyways looking forward to #3
nice, this is better than nothing :)
too bad you are 4 years late

oh, hug the wall on the left when going through double doors, aim on the very top of the roof in the direction of west entrance, shoot 2 seconds after spawntime, success.
cant wait for ati pro rifle tips #2 with ruler :DDDDD
nice. well done!
thanks for these grzesiek, gonna be high soon with these amazing tips, keep it up!
You need ruler for easiest rifle spot ever :DDDD
Genius. Absolute fucking genius, what Ati said.
mad much?
You mad blud, I mad bruv, everyone mad bled.
need same pic but with 120 fov please ;x
"well" yes it's you :) you must also note that not everyone has the same monitor so everyone has a different resolution <3
thanks to you grzesiek i gonna change my main to rifler, your pro tips are amazing, can't wait for #3
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