5on5 prac KRP (taz here)

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lololol armyboy taz (if someone does not know him, he sits on the left)

oh! krp looking for 5on5 prac. LU: FinlandKapaa FinlandmiNd FinlandKolibri GermanyENSAM!!!!!!!!!! and FinlandME

Skill: Medium+
what for are those bags on the stomach and doesnt it make prone a bit uncomfortable?
I don't know. I have not been in the army. And i'm not going there! some kind of shield i think?
Although we used different kinds of protection vests I'd guess it's just pockets. And to be honest, after marching a couple of miles with a shitload of weight on your back you're happy to prone on whatever it is you're proning on.
chestwebbing :P, to put all kinds of shit in. They are pretty comfy if you fit them good, doesnt bug that much while 'proning'.
3 clip slots, grenade, waterbottle, spade, first aid, gas mask & protection costume & some additional shit for example :p just the lightest version of battle equips, usually theres either smaller bag or the main bag somewhere near by for the rest of the stuff (well thats what they teach us but id imagine in real life combat u wouldnt use spade or gas masks there if its an rush n destroy mission only etc) and different troops may have different items

and doesnt really bother proning at all, its really tight package for all that stuff
Shit rifle is shit.
RK is great tbh..
Don't know, I was just busting balls.
seems that I got schooled then
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