norway ...

yes there has been a journal already and im rly sad about everything that happened there tbh.

r.i.p all !


srsly how stupid is the media again ?

Quote by N-TV NewsThe assassin has played the KILLERGAME World of Warcraft. Again we see that this must be one of the mainreasons for the massacre



RIP, "srsly"
What..? you got source?
just saw it in german tv (N-TV News) have no source sry :(


image: 3.bild

"he is racist, likes to hunt, is a farmer and plays WoW"
rofl at the farmer stuff... he just did this to collect enough artificial fertilizer for his bomb. :D
Source "BILD"

What do you expect ? ;P

Farmers = Assassins !
WOW players = Assassins !

blond and blue eyes = nazi !
To put playing World Of Woarcraft on par with planting beets isn't precisely denouncing videogames, just part of a collection of character traits.
They're always going to have a side agenda, especially with such a sensational story as this one (ie it ticked off a lot of people, so if they throw something like that in, they can get a lot of support for the idea)
if they cannot find a proper answer best easy reson is to say it was cause of a game...

what they meant is that because he play wow, he didnt have any friends or girls so he did what he did :XD

dear saskia, you have to read between the lines !!!
u got me wrong,
so explain to me dear saskia, what you meant ?!?
if they cannot find a proper answer best easy reason is to say it was cause of a game...

e. but he is a NAZI NOW???!
"nationalist" and right wing extremist, nazi for short :P
i had not much time :)
but maybe its true...

look here @ cf

et is making ppl being at home all the time etc

so maybe out of 100000000000000 players 1 will get extreme :~>?

now g2g saskia to army :XD

have a nice week :~>
there r enough other reason why someone would do the last step to kill someone imo not a game

have a great week theodore ;)
is there any headshot mod for WoW ?
That's why I don't play WoW. Filled with lunatics.
Makes a change from Norway black metal huh?
By the way, I did tell you that farming is the most metal profession.

That pathetic numb cunt has finally joined the 27 club, though she doesn't deserve that status.
ur quite full of hate today
Just can't stand that cunt, otherwise I'm pretty merry ^_^
ye i know, thats why im surprised :D
well when some polish kids sunk in lake last winter it was also because WoW coz they said to they parent that they gonna do "quests" on frozen lake.

media r just stiupid 8D
loled too ;D
ntv: "and he used to play the killer game WoW"
WoW obviously has machine guns/pistols etc or did he kill the people using magic and/or swords?
It will be really _really_ hard to blame it on "Killer Games" on the long run because he meticulously described his intentions. But I guess it's more popular to blame the evil hobbies of the younger generation than his bigoted religious and political views.

He at least is a clever spree killer for a change. He created the face book page to create a clear image of how he wanted the media to present him (Even professional photographies to have a pretty image for the front page on every paper).
His facebook page. (He created it just a few months ago)
rip amy and norvegians

image: 9018377
I wondered why NorwayDomi didn't come for pracc earlier...
load of bullcrap
Finnish media(iltalehti) said on their newspost that "this killer played World of Warcraft and Battlefield(Like those finnish school shooters) So the newspost looks like battlefield is the only reason for those killings.

God I hate media
QuoteLate in 2002 I was working full time as a mid level leader in a customer service company. At the same time, I started a company that focused on outsourcing of programming services. It went quite well. And around May 2003 I quit my day job to focus entirely on my business. The next three years i worked an average 12 hours per day with my company; E-Commerce Group. At one point I had 6 employees, 2 in Norway, 2 in Russia, 1 in Romania and one in Indonesia. I registered an off shore company and several off shore bank accounts in order to avoid excessive state taxation (anonymous debit cards and ATM`s ftw). This way, I could build up funds faster. My initial plan was to earn at least 5 million, then use the acquired funds to start a pan-European conservative movement or plan an advanced operation. It started out great and I earned my first mill (NOK) at the age of 24 which peaked at 4 million, 12 months later. In 2005 and 2006, recession hit my industry which resulted in lower income margins. As a result I decided to discontinue my company and instead salvage all the funds I could. The most cost efficient way of doing this in my country is to file for bankruptcy, which I did. I had now completed my goal and I had enough funding to proceed with planning of an assault operation.

I spent three years were I focused on writing the compendium, 2083. During a 12 month period in the beginning, I also played World of Warcraft part time (which had been a dream for some time – hardcore raiding:). I lived very ascetic and relatively isolated in this period. These three years would also contribute to detach myself from my “old life”. It’s a process I used in order to isolate myself from most of my network, in preparation for the coming operation. I feel that this period was needed in order to completely ”detach myself from “the game”, my “former shallow consumerist lifestyle ” in order to ensure full focus on the matters at hand.
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