stuck at geonosis... :/

Well, we are talking about SW: Battlefront (One)
at campaign on HARD difficulty I got stuck at Geonosis, I cant win it, tried some different tax which i remember from half a year ago when i played EASY level.
But they always win :( Even when I destroy all their ships (at the edge of the map).

DEFEAT about 0 - 100 all the time :/

pls help, how to win this one?
try the "panzer" for the cis's shields and go rambo on the other. If you won't win then, you're noob... :P
shields = ?
"panzer" = ?

explain pls :)
panzer = rocket launcher
ok ok but that doesnt help much since i dont know what does he mean by saying shields. how can i panzer and rambo the shields which are getting destroyed after 15 shots by ATTE's main gun
:P ive never played that game, so im afraid i cant help ya
the shield of those rolling balles. They equip and then they have this white circle around 'em. Destroy that with a rocket launcher in stead of a blaster or something
will one panzer (or even few) be enough to destroy this machine?
well, i will try, thx for help :)
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