How did Zerender loose his weight?

Zerender has finally confirmed it:

image: loss

But now just one question remains. Was it the result of either:

1. Drugs
2. Diet
3. Planking

Please crossfire, help me figure this thing out.
squats & oats
but oatmeal has alot of kohlenhydrate or was this ur only food then?? ;/
i hate it after a while although i tried it with some flavor in.
was kidding. doing low-carb diet combined with heavy resistance training and only minimal cardio

did u do sports before starting diet? i hate sport im so lazy and always i start i stop soon :D
nothing cardio-related. i fucking hate cardio with rowing being the exception
If you will not find a good way to motivate yourself, doubt any diet will give you good results.

Women who just diet without any excercise either fail or get skinny and loose the curves.
i know. im doing excersises at home the typical ones. im kinda lazy but i do clubbing and dancing a lot so this helps to keep me fit..
havana i prefer :)
That's just shit :S
i drink vodka 2 :'(
y wud u go on a diet?
:) just 2 kilos less from time to time
ive never ever gone on a diet or watched my weight :-) not planning to either
its not planned here i feel uncomfortable and just eat less 2 -3 days. enough :)
:P u should just party harder -> u automatically lose more weight!
during week eat less. at weekend party :)
How much did you lose? Lost 23kg myself the last 7 months.
47kg my weight goal is 90kg @ 188cm but im afraid that isnt low enough
Low enough for what :-)?
I'm 82 kg atm with 187 cm of height, want to get 5 kgs more (no fat, just muscles - that's what I want)

So 90 with 188 is okay if you will keep going to gym.
I'm 180cm and 66kilo's. I want to lose some though.

Want a nice slice of my calves?
Wow, 47 kg, that's amazing. No offence, but you must've been quite fat if you lost that much and you're not yet at 90kg.

I'm 82kg at 184cm now, but I want to lower it to ~70kg. I'm doing mostly cardio (bicycling) so I don't have that much muscles and my main objective is to lose most of my fat. So 70kg should be doable.
no offense taken, i was indeed a fatty

edit: lolwat 70kg @ 184cm is scrawny as fuck. why dont you want to gain muscles?
well with 184 and 72-74 kg u can rly look like young god 8D
It's not that I don't want muscles, it's just that I cycle a lot (and I'm going on a cycling vacation the next 5 weeks) so I burn a lot of calories. It's difficult to combine that with gaining a lot of muscles.
Would still have to maybe do some weight workout @ toning up/maintaining muscle, but I guess it's a good achievement, not to mention what you've done so far anyway \m/

All seem tall on here :D but atm i'm 180cm @ 64-66kg, need to weight once casts come off next :pp then back to training eventually!
Everyone is small here ;_;
Yeah, once I'm back from my cycle trip I'm moving to the big city (Antwerp) where I'm planning on following a Muay Thai course. I assume that will help gaining some muscles.

If not, well, fitness I guess. But I don't really like fitness :-(
Well done :-)

Myself lost 11 kg in 2 months last year, went from 76 to 65 for 175
It actually is pretty normal considering russian norms..
Witch is: Ideal weight = lenght(cm) - 100
French norms however are: Ideal weight = lenght(cm) - 110
oatmeal are complex carbs -> they are starches and require more digestion than simple carbohydrates -> you feel full for a longer period of time , also kinda high protein ratio on my spelt meal
oh you /fit/.
4. Owling
drugs combined with planking
excessive wanking

whatever he done, sexy as ever now :Pppp
whats a zerender anyway?
he ate less. srsly its not difficult to lose weight if some1 want :x
Just eating less won't help too much though. Especially since most people who do it that way overdo it by eating close to nothing. It will work the first few days but in end you ruin your metabolism completely.

Don't want to start an endless conversation here, so I guess everyone that lost weight found his/her ideal way to do so :-)
Pics of biceps plz
biceps is my achilles tendon :[ but ok there you go (unflexed fatceps)
achilles tendon hast du so übersetzen lassen
No stretchmarks = not curling enough
stretchmarks aka BATTLESCARS
i have plenty of stretchmarks from growing (in either direction) but most of them are barely visible

i lold :))
how much did you lose? :)
i lost 53kg over 1 year

121kg to 68kg

scrawny as fuck , god tier genetics no flappy skin just stretchmarks

68kg to 90kg

bulked for like 7month~

atm 84kg still cutting , abs are slowly showing again feels good
lifts not going due to a positive creatine reaction , feels good
skippin coffeine due to creatine feels shit

loosin weight is so fkin easy , be under your caloric needs , win
was there a big difference in strenght gain when bulking after such a big cut?
i could barely deadlift 40kg , not jokin ... was horrible.. now iam at 160 and holdin

so yes.
lol, your max or for rep?
oh lawd i do currently 100kg for reps. cant wait to start bulkin. dat dere gains :D
i could do 10reps with 150 ... those 10kg feel like so much more :s
No one proud here of their beer belly? :,(
Another journal where ugly-looking nerds are talking about losing 30kg of fat.

ei vittu lopettakaa jo pliis
He asked urtier for his config. :>
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