yo fat dawgs

how can i lose 5 kg quickly

so i am ripped in the summer and can front on ppl in the city and attract girls ( u jelly? dont hate )

i read all this nerd talk bout overweight 200+ kg nerds losing weight
bitch get your mind right

#saiko whiskeyplayboys

aaha u fapped to this xDOMG



kom je ook bij haydar chille als ie alleen osso is
ripped like me?
dno, run everyday about 20mins
30 min rennen in de ochtend , 30 min rennen in de avond, geen vet eten ofzo ...
klopt, 30min rennen voor je ontbijt, dan gewoon gezond ontbijten, gezond lunchen, gezond avondeten en 2uur na je avondeten weer 30min rennen, schijnt goed te werken.
Drink 2+ liters of water everyday and do 30min of running in the morning BEFORE you have breakfast. Maybe workout somewhere during the day and do some more running in the evening. EITHER WAY IT SEEMS LIKE YOU ARE TOO LATE D:
explain why before breakfast, a lot of ppl tell me that but no one explained me :D

i think u need to eat to have a lot of energy to burn it @ sport, no? without breakfast its hard to do sport for like 2 hours, no?

never tried before breakfast.
your glycogen storage is empty in the morning and the body has to use fat (and musclemass) for energy
and around how much you can run or do another sport before to eat breakfast?
because you will be tired quickly no?
depends on how long you are able to http://www.leangains.com/
so much to read dude :\
7. Myth: Skipping breakfast is bad and will make you fat.


Breakfast skipping is associated with higher body weights in the population. The explanation is similar to that of lower meal frequencies and higher body weights. Breakfast skippers have dysregulated eating habits and show a higher disregard for health. People who skip breakfast are also more likely to be dieting, thus by default they are also likely to be heavier than non-dieters. Keep in mind that most people who resort to breakfast skipping are not the type that sit around and read about nutrition. They are like most people dieting in a haphazard manner. The type to go on a 800 calorie-crash diet and then rebound, gaining all the weight (and then some) back.

Sometimes, an argument is made for eating breakfast as we are more insulin sensitive in the morning. This is true; you are always more insulin sensitive after an overnight fast. Or rather, you are always the most insulin sensitive during the first meal of the day. Insulin sensitivity is increased after glycogen depletion. If you haven't eaten in 8-10 hours, liver glycogen is modestly depleted. This is what increases insulin sensitivity - not some magical time period during the morning hours. Same thing with weight training. Insulin sensitivity is increased as long as muscle glycogen stores aren't full. It doesn't disappear if you omit carbs after your workout.


First of all, we have the large scale epidemiological studies showing an association with breakfast skipping and higher body weights in the population. One researcher from that study, commenting on the association with breakfast skipping or food choices for breakfast, said:

"These groups appear to represent people 'on the run,' eating only candy or soda, or grabbing a glass of milk or a piece of cheese. Their higher BMI would appear to
support the notion that 'dysregulated' eating patterns are associated with obesity, instead of or in addition to total energy intake per se."

Kellogg's and clueless RDs love to cite them over and over again, so people are lead to believe that breakfast has unique metabolic and health-related benefits. In reality, these studies just show breakfast eaters maintain better dietary habits overall.

Other studies frequently cited claiming that breakfast is beneficial for insulin sensitivity are all marred with methodological flaws and largely uncontrolled in design.

In one widely cited study, subjects were entrusted to eat most meals in free-living conditions. The breakfast skipping group ate more and gained weight, which affected health parameters negatively.

From the abstract: "Reported energy intake was significantly lower in the EB period (P=0.001), and resting energy expenditure did not differ significantly between the 2 periods." EB = eating breakfast. In essence, people who ate breakfast could control their energy intake better for the rest of the day. They didn't gain any weight but the breakfast skipping group did. Fat gain always affects insulin sensitivity and other health parameters negatively. Thus what people took this to mean is that breakfast is healthy and improves insulin sensitivity. Which isn't at all what the study showed.
so if i do cardio before to eat i will loose more of fat and musclemass than doing sport after eating bf ?

what about if i also do musculation after cardio? same goes for musclesmass or i dont gain/loose it?

ps: you can do how long sport before to eat? around 30min? 1h or more? ( yourself )
9. Myth: Fasted training sucks. You'll lose muscle and have no strength.


A large body of research on sports performance during Ramadan concludes that aerobic activities, such as 60 minutes of running, has a small yet significant negative impact on performance. A very large confounder here is dehydration, as Ramadan fasting involves fluid restriction. That said, anaerobic performance, such as weight training, is much less impacted.

However, more relevant and telling studies, which don't involve fluid restriction, show that strength and lower intensity endurance training is unaffected - even after 3.5 days of fasting. New research on fasted training supports this. If you read my review of that study, you'll see that the only parameter the fed group did better on was improvements in V02max, which is likely explained by the fact that the carbs allowed them to train at a higher intensity. However, note the other interesting results obtained in the fasted group. Also note that a review I did of another fasted endurance training study showed no negative effect of fasting on endurance or VO2max (quite the contary in fact). This can be explained by the lower intensity.

In conclusion, training in the fasted state does not affect your performance during weight training, which is what most people reading this are interested in. However, training in a completely fasted state is still not something I recommend for optimal progress. Research is quite clear on the benefits of pre-workout and post-workout protein intake for maximizing protein synthesis. For this reason, I suggest supplementing with 10 g BCAA prior to fasted training.

Another weak and frail physique. No wonder. Andreaz does most of his training fasted. Also worth mentioning, Richard Nikoley trained almost exclusively fasted (and basically doubled his deadlift, while losing fat).

Read more about pre-workout protein and fasted training here: "Pre-workout Protein Boosts Metabolism" and "Fasted Training Boosts Muscle Growth?".

Also read: Early Morning Fasted Training

Specific protocols for fasted training are covered in "The Leangains Guide".
thx for explaination btw
i can run at least 7km and then do some work out before breakfast. i don't even think about it, seems like my stomach is smaller when i do sport
but you drink some water at least, no? :d
Yes a glass of water or so when i wake up.
and u run 7km without a bottle of water? o;
too heavy. If I had a bag or smtg where i could put water so i could drink while running i would take it, but i don't have it so i just drink when i get home
can't run atm cause of knee injury :(
liposuction is your only option i guess
Are you able to do anything cardio related ? :/ Else just do circuit training and keep your heartrate going the best you can :d
Methylphenidate (Ritalin) + fat burning pills will do the job np4them
efedra is the truth:p
Yea kinda the same as Ritalin,but so much harder.
QuoteWent to cpc2 and cc7 just chillin'

nice nerd xDD
stop eating
5kg. can lose it taking a shit
Theres a difference in just loosing weight and loosing weight in fat :P unless.. YOU SHIT PURE FAT :OOOO
yeah I know I'm just saying 5kg = 1 week of balanced eating or exercising :D
lost 3 kg in 1 week, ate only morning and for the launch, wasn't eating for dinner, did many sport, profit
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