schnee's monday morning

Good morning peepz,

Arrived at work and I’m bit tired. And I want to go home right now again :/
Had a good weekend, Met my friends, watched some movies, drunk a lot, smoked 2 much.
All in all a chilled weekend w/o any big happenings. How was urs? =)

Questions of the day:
Coffee or tea? Coffee
Fav Shoutcast moment: winghaven second nature: A 4 Men Panzerfaust. UNBELIEVABLE: THIS GUY IS UNBELIEVABLE and mashed

ET vid:
Schnee Song:

image: Brad+Pitt+Snatch_large
image: uma-thurman
image: 6058-arschgeweih-arsch-brauhaus-k%C3%B6lsch-werbung-Po-maus-hintern-bikini-tattoo-peters_k%C3%B6lsch-bla

Shoutouts: carla (aww :*), wsk & nOOr (TEH boys), Panda (just....), Michael (finally back), CONFO(!), mica (lips), flooflooo (miau), dialer(kikoo), Estaloth, marko(!) + ENSAM (he was around and NOT drunken on friday :( , .ee & fins =), the GANG(<3), m!das, hentai!, EVO PAUL SEX(ton), KARTOFFEL!, ALAN (:o) and my buddies + special to R.

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1 e: join #schnee if u like to be with the real peepz =) image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1

||I wish u all a nice day and a good start in this happyhippo new week - MOEP =) ||

EDIT: anyone wants to go there next year maybe? date: 06/28/2012-07/02/2012 im there. who else? =)
Working from home atm but I just can't focus... :(

Uma Thurman... bleh!
Le good morning saskiaz,

I am mad tired. I slept kinda bad even though I was really tired for a sunday evening and thinking I'd fall asleep right away. never happened. guess I had like 3-4 hours of sleep all together :\
my weekend: gf's parents visited us on friday evening... on saturday I went to the movies. harry potter. it wasn't really like totally bad, but I was disapointed. fucking 3d is more important than any logic or story or characters :(

about the weekend events:
amy whinehouse - it's always somewhat sad when a person dies. but I don't feel any pitty for her. it's her own fault to destroy herself. yeah she was "sick" with this addiction. but if she had at least 4 braincells left then she knew where it was leading. everyone could tell she was gonna die someday from that shit.

the things that happened in norway are really shocking though :\ I read that the guy was a legal owner of shotguns (no clue if he used the legal weapons though?)... ugh.

question of the day: coffee, coffee, COFFEE!

have a nice day everyone.
yesterday came a german movie about monogamie. and it ended at 1.30am so i slept like 5 hours :/

the things that happened in norway are really shocking though :\ agree i still cannot believe but more worse talked to a colleague (gamer) he didnt even know what happened but knows that amy is dead... -.-

have a good day =)
yeah that's shocking. people rather care about that bitch who pretty much choose her fate but dont even take a minute to follow the events in norway where almost 100 innocent people died :\ but thats just todays society, I guess....

have a nice day too! :)
Tea & TosspoT in zaigon, mobile mg power coming in from emorej 1..2..3 dropping idle out like theyre going out of fashion. asd is gna lead the asualt joined by jakazc. the mg is gna clear from the back, acozz wit hthe riflenade and here come ND, they wait.. they wait tekoa takes with one, tekoa with 2, but tekoa will finally go down to that mg and jakazcv is gna come with these objectives, here he goed BUT OHHHHHHHHHHH GETS PANZERFAUSTED BY NIGHT, HE GOES DOWN AND IDLE CAN RECLAIM THE OBJECTIVE... bl;albla awesome LD
Good morning schneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,

I just woke up, gotta work from 11-17:30, now Im chilling at watching Movie called White chicks, saw it plenty times already and its the worst movie ever :S Wanted to watch The Big Bang Theory, Scrubs etc.. which is on Pro7 in the morning hours, but it looks like it isnt on monday mornings :/ After work I will wash my Peugeot Scooter and modify some stuff on it :>
My weekend was kinda normal, partied hard on friday, chilled with mates on saturday, and some family stuff on sunday, ofc with lots of coffeein and cakes :] Was a weird weekend tho cause all the Norway dead people, but I really dont care for United Kingdom Amy Weinhaus, stupid bitch :<

I just read the german comments on your posted vid, hilarious what these guys are saying/asking :XD

About question of the day: I'd go for coffee!
Best shoutcast moment: Germanydrago's pf on frostbite and United States of AmericaDator vs 35 on oasis

Fragmovies Im watching atm: Dorftrottel by KOS, strenx the movie, Preview of my own tj movie :p

anyway, have a nice day schnee, and dont work too much x)
Immer diese Teenager mit ihren getunten Rasenmähern :3
auf nen Liter hubraum umgerechnet wären das 233 PS, Rasenmäher seh ich nur im Rückspiegel :>
is peugeot a car? :PPPPPPPPPP

have a good day2! alrdy had lunch. still 4 hours to go :(
no its my scooter :> 50cc you know!
i dont drink warm liquids, but soup!
so no hot milk, no hot chocolate? :o
nop, nothing^^ i really hate it!
also a little bit tired coz nightbus got some problems and I was too drunken to find another and too far for underground so got to walk 3 or 4 km :/

ofc tea

fav moment ofc obj taken :D!
this is just awesome :DDDDDDD unexpected in et. good job :PP
haha, awesome unexpected in ET =)
coffee ofc, i am totally coffee addicted :D
fav. shoutcast? well ofc :D ->

just woke up, good monday for me, 3 more weeks of holiday, moving done etc :D
Im not into sc2 but that looked sick.
Like to add this one:

moving is done?? :DD
I hate mondays! though today it seems to be nice weather and first meeting of the day didn't annoy me. maybe it could get a good Monday. I like coffee and tea and I don't listen shoutcasts so I got No favourite moment.

Have a nice day all of you!

ps: wsk is old
My hope for a good Monday is over. The projectmanager of one of my projects is back from holidays and annoying the shit out of me already :(
show him ur hidden message too ! :D
Haha ye should do that xd
poor you. I just had a client with awesome breath & körpergeruch so I had to open the window.
funny enough, as I wrote this he came back. NOW I HAVE TO OPEN THE WINDOW AGAIN.
Don't ask me why but this made me lmao :D
i hate meetings on monday morning. i just cancelled one today so now i got tomorrow 2 meetings from 11 on :/

have a good day 2 :)
3 already today and two tomorrow morning. Can't tell how pissed I'm :D
maybe you should mention that "meeting" in ur case means some people talk on the phone, you sit next to them on browse cf/fb on your phone! :D ADMIT IT!
Coffee and the AEC 2005 match of u96d vs. junk52/ on Dubrovnik.
It might have been up in the old Radio iTG depository, but I haven't been able to find it since. It doesn't look like any ETTV recordings survived either.
went to sleep at 3 am, woke up at 7 - I think that sums up my day...

Questions of the day:
Coffee or tea? Coffee
Fav Shoutcast moment: idle and nd match on adler or radar with toss casting. such emotions :D.
firday, wasted
saturday, wasted + bbq
yesterday, wasted (went to the city to meet up with scarzy but he had to prepare a meal so i jut got drunk and went home)

friends birthday today, going out in a few mins to grab a bear

1. tea
2. hype is fucking b2k......
so u didnt meet him?
have a good day =)
hype is b2k awesome :D
nazigermancountry post name pls :)
mobb deep - shook ones pt.2

it's negroid music
this beat was in 8mile final battle :D
CHESTDA.. mweh nevermind :o)
chestday? training whole day? maeeh :)
tru that! Brink championship half finals tonight, finals in your country ;)
what is brink? :DDDDD
morning. had a great weekend. bro celebrated his 18th, was fun :) today again pause with peaches, so got a whole day free. what to do, what to do? :))

1. coffee ftw
what did u give him as present? :)

well u could go to my appartment and clean it pls? :PP!
haha I gave him a box of matches and a peach ^^

i'm more of a guy to create mess, rather than clean it :P
1st: i love both :) green tea + pigwa and ice coffe. mmmmmmmmmmm

Good mornin lady!

what is pigwa? :o

have a nice day :)

hell yeah! :p

i told u alrdy u do it wrong

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1
miNd` u is late.........!

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS99jJ1pFW59FrKKSZsEkjbAfhg_T7e0YoCAZGvRVUWg4E_CRDB&t=1
Weekend was fine, nothing very special. Went to sleep @ 3am yesterday to get up @ 6.30 and go to work. Packing fruits & vegetables into some bags. At 11 my boss told me I was done for the day so now Im home, unlike you :x.

Coffee or tea? Coffee all the way, I dont really like tea, it's kind of watery & stuff :D

ET Movie:
Don't know about my favorite shoutcast. I like the ones in fragarea 3.

Quote+ special to R.

Who the fuck is R.? :D

Good luck at work! :p
u r home alrdy? well my boss didnt even come to office today... -.-
i leave at 5pm!!!!!!!! and then i need to finally book me a room for mallorca in 3 weeks.. :P

Was first day for holiday job. They just phone me when they need me and I can leave when the work's done.
Coffee obviously! Tea is also good, but with milk only :p

Think it was smashed on a EC game radar where im on west taking it, just when i jump there is a mine and i jump on it and end up jumping from west parts to fake and the shoutcaster thought it was a trickjump :9
how was ur serious gaming last nite? :)
not so serious but was fun!
weekend was fine, friday drinking with friends, saturday just hanging around with my girlfriend and yesterday just relaxing a bit, gaming etc.

Tea cause i dont like coffee:p
shoutcasting moment tosspot @ idle vs nd
hi! :)

link pls?
can't search it atm:D have to go to the gym, but i believe the map they played was radar!
it's in zaigon, the stuff i wrote down :P

starting around 9 minutes
haha thanks for searching for me! really got to go now tho, am way to late :P
hf at gym :)
Go for tea saskia! Much better for your health and skin. White tea hmmm <3
ya i know :DDDDDD mostly at weeekends i switch to tea. only drink coffee at work

(btw nice name u gave me :x)
might try that over breakfast

good day 2 u 2 ;)

Having fun at work?:D
good mornin, have a nice day ^^

coffee with milk and sugar or tea without sugar and with lemon
Hayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy =) weekend nice and lazy sun shining all week, great stuff ;)
Was tired, got up at noon after finally getting to sleep @ 7:30am -.-

Questions of the day:
Coffee or tea? TEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (and cake) ;)
Fav Shoutcast moment: Nothing in particular but vanhomom8s sniping @ radar
andrew :)

btw i remind u now on banksy so do it ;)
Oh forgot to answer 2nd question:

fav shoutcast: TosspoT casting my fragmovie clips ofc:

No my actual favorite one is a drago panzer + tosspot casting combo

check this song schnee:
pls post name cause its not avi in fuckingnazicountry :(
deadmau5 - Sofi Needs a Ladder

Just got another great one from a m8: Mike Candys & Evelyn Feat. Patrick Miller - One Night In Ibiza (Extended Mix)
deadmau5 is great didnt like 2nd song :)
+1 ass pic
just for u <3

btw when will u landing??!
dat asssssssss

morning of august 11th! my friends are all on holiday atm but when they get back we'll start figuring out where to go etc. and you and i can arrange something after that hopefully!
so we have a problem. i leave early morning on 13th...
=o where are you going?

maybe we can meet on the 11th! i will try to find out from them asap
im going to mallorca till 21th with a friend :)

yes ofc we definiatly should meet before!!! :O
that danny daze track is awesome! i'm sure i linked you that a while ago?
im NOT sure :o i saw it just today :)
ah, i remember hearing it when i went to see julio bashmore on july 2nd, was one of the best tracks of the night
weekend? lyk its any good @ poorland ;D i was drinking a bit due to lack of other happiness.

i don't drink coffee at all, wouldn't be smart choice in fact i try to chill out on daily basis.

favourite shoutcast moment is ofc hx vs one4one, hearable on kris et movie, starting @ 3:50 @ :P United Kingdom TosspoT is the man!

take care sweetheart *;
im glad to hear from u :)
Damn that is a nice pic for the boys, even if she is 50
umaaaaaaaaaaa? didnt notice she was born 1970 :o
Dayum I still wud tho :P Btw can we see up ure skirt in ure profile pic Saskia? tut tut young lady xD
wat do u mean? :)
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