

First these belgium and nl retards are talking alot of bullshit and now they are angry,
after the funny thing in the 3on3 offi's in the last time in the communty , now the next step of the kid team.
Legendary the allstar team with the best players around the world are in top 5 now and our manager tweety challenge them for this week and they rechallenge. <- hahahahHahahah

They are a joke, they wanna hold first place in 5o5 ladder without playing games.

tMoe, Legendary , iR and all the other's in Top 10 will beat them easily,
hope CB will do a new format that teams cant be lame like this.

regards Tweety putty that!

image: bataus_1152954779
just bought 20 cans of Dr.pepper
1.69e each can :(
u must like dr.pepper werri werri much
only 1 shop here which sells it lol
best drink of the world DR PEPPER :D
silno zladkim inakda kazhetso :d
ash subi wipadawajut
Paid something stupid like $15 for 4 cans before in Australia because they don't sell it (banned?!) and there's a British shop nearby :(
thats really expensive for 1 can should be about 50-60 cents
Nazi Germany
2l bottle costs ~1e in czech republic
0,5l dr pepper in finland ~1.70e

1,5l bottle 2,50€ or smth

my favourite drink so expensive :--(
u seem abit mad

btw just accept on of these dates and play with highs if some of u cant play to get these faggots down!
sry we cant play at that time, we are not oxid and praccing 7 day's per week from 19-1cet :) makes no sense to play with a mix at 00:00. We wanna have fun together in our team and not playing with mercs. regards bob van de gogh
well 1st why are u telling oxid? u don't even know how our shedule was and it was not more than yours!

2nd if u wanna have some fun why are u so mad about the ladder then?

u are a very mad noob!
No offence but i heard from alot of your team mates (old oxid and the lan team) that you call them sometimes at friday/saturday to ask if they coming to play with you, they was fucked up in the end and lost the motivation to play ET because of this massive pracc. And atleast you pracced 5-6 day's per week 4-5 hours (We are playing 2-3 day's per week 21-23/24 cet), :) and im not mad we are glad to be in top5.
hahahah what are u talkin about, nothing what u said is right!! with our last lineup we didnt pracc mroe than 3 times a week and not more than 3 hours and ofc not at fridays or saturdays!

halt maln kopf ausm fenster fürn bissl sauerstoff
lass den dicken doch einfach reden, der weiss selbst, dass er ein ei verschluckt hat.
what the fuck did you just wrote
Isn't there already a penalty for ignoring challenges? And for inactivity too. At least there used to be.

On a sidenote, I just learned to read!
they give you 3 dates? i think if they wanted to be lame the would rechallenge with 1 date and at 4:00 or something :)
it;s still a bad date. with 4:00 they would be risking they actually accept and counter-troll them
hehe i know :P and friday evening blabla :P but i hate both of 'em so i dont care :)
vital #1 in ladder? fuck me, ET is dead
I'm not really into those things but can't you just challenge other teams and gather points to get to the top?
nope u need to beat place #1 to push them lower in the ladder
impossible you have to win vs the #1 place to get first, like years ago.
you need to beat #1
CB has a shit system , need a Rockit! Ladder + Lan @ Germany .. gogo! =)
lan in germany never gonna happen
die zijn er al best veel geweest, allemaal BYOC tho
die nazis hebben nazi wetten betreft gaming
youre english is fucking dreadful
Almost as bad as youre (lol) image: cheater cheating in a clan match eh? :Ppp
Almost as bad as youre (lol) image: cheater cheating in a clan match eh? :Ppp
let me joke not they can come from the back and noob trolled the team squad when the timings are fast like a cocaine
"Like a cocaine"
are you seriously a native british ? Your sentence clearly makes no sense at all :x
you make no sense i troll the team when game is play you meant not known for language is all good in the country!
oh feral you speak the best humm3l i have yet to be ever seen. see us later
btw who be you who knows who I be?
Qyz, played with you and Lenny a couple times. still have some of the tracks you sent me ages ago, you still into making music then?
hehe hi I remember you, afraid not mate! good memory :o
havent bothered cleaning out my itunes for ages so every once in a while one pops up on my ipod :P still good stuff tho, too bad you stopped!
whatever, grammatically it still makes no sense. No offense tho
he's trying to talk like humm3l, and hes doing a good job

a man with a plan

image: thumbsUp
Quoteafter the funny thing in the 3on3 offi's in the last time in the communty
- 3 times in the? (in the last time????)
- communty - community
QuotetMoe, Legendary , iR and all the other's in Top 10 will beat them easily,
- other's -> others
- We gained first place after beating iR -

image: tumblr_lgdkfnYUxY1qgwh7ko1_500


Some of us are working in the evening, so we can only play 5on5 at 0.00 because they are back home around 23.30!
Jere raped iR, you didn't win
then again , it's not like jere plays for them just once. It's not the first summer nor the first league he plays with them...
i liked dr pepper before it was cool
U mad bro ?
lasse doch kann man eh nix kaufen von ...
same shit gave us a forfeit-loss in esl-summer league and now we can't go to playoffs.
They're just retards --> ignore mode on...
ehehe not surprised vital-gaming really big fags!
Your trolling is so fucking bad im embarrassed.
expected shit is expected
well i like the ladder but the fact with the 1st is realy fucked up since there are teams who are more activ and cant get 1st because of this system would be great to see them with points too
you have to improve your ladder it isnt 2007 anymore ...
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