Drivers License

Sup cf,

So I became 20 y/o in May & i still cba to get my drivers license,
untill my dad prety much forced me too ^^
Got drivers exam tomorrow, only theoretical tho.
Doin few practice exams on the computer.
I'm gnna list my progress, cuz i fkin fail hard the first time :DD

My score:
- 29/50 FAIL
- 34/50 FAIL>.>
- 37/50 FAILgettin closer...
- 39/50 FAILalmost there..
~ Dad just got me & my brother a book to learn.. guess ill try after again :)
- 42/50 PASS :pp
- 37/50 FAIL OH FFS
- 43/50 PASS
Ill let you guys know how i did tomorrow :)

How many times did you guys have to practice untill u past ur exam? :)

image: 13456_405021499822_6020654822_4539530_2114341_n
theory i failed once and practice i got it with first try although it was hard to get since i failed with parking at first :o
did my whole license within 3 weeks :D
Rushed through easily, though I almost failed the theoretical exam.
theory is piss easy mate !
twice both :P
practiced 3 times in 3 months before exam ( law, code ) :D

passed driver license at first try, i had to drive for 30mins, i drove only 20mins :O
cute girl
failed both once :X
Theory exam passed at first try (score 49/50)
Practical exam passed at first, it was tough though, they try to bust you on every minor mistake.
I went to lessons intensively for 1 week, did few exams (like 20?), got 30/30 (nowadays it's 50 questions).

Was pretty easy actually
went to 2 lessons and then got it. the theoritical exam
dunno, heard its almost impossible to fail theoretical exam in finland.

i've done all driving lessons myself over 1year ago, only need to do theoretical and driving shit

just cba
No practice, aced both.
once in theory cause i didnt do shit as usual

e: wtf is this girl?
Practised 4 times at home -> did exam in school -> failed -> went immediatly back to the exam place -> passed! (when it was still allowed, got full license atm;))
Oh I have always wondered, does Belgium(or any other country) have like 2 years for beginner drivers, where you have to drive like with 90 when it's allowed 110 etc.

More or less a "trial" period?
studied one whole day, passed with 100%
theory first
my brothers said its as easy as taking a piss
failed once because of 1 point ;(

did it in the 2nd try

pracced like ~2 hours
Passed theory with flying colous first time.

Passed my practical second time. Hit the curb on a 'reverse around a corner' manouver and failed. FUFUFUUUFUU!!
You mean on ET or real life?
I dont play ET anymore my friend.
WoW, LoL & HoN are my main games now, multigamer ftw? :p
working on rhythm games too

So ye, IRL drivers license :)
Miss Favela 2011
A man with boobs, sick!

Ps: I am not talking about the pic
ikr so gross
work in progress tho
theory 5 :DDDDD

points 9 :DDDDDDDD
crashes 3 :DDDDDDDDDD

me pro@driving afaik :DDDDDD
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