baaaaaaah shit school !!!

why why ? i hate this shit school !!!!
same, the teacher left us alone for 3 hours in class, cause he had to go to the doctor:D:D:D
good for u :<
today public holiday wohooooo. and we "Teachers" -_- dont have work!
everybody has holiday ? :o
im @ special school and IT OWNS I ALWAYS WANT TO GO SCHOOL NOW WE HAVE WOW + SOF2 everything limewire we can download @ pc we may do what we want it owns LoL were going to puzzle and we are smoking weed till pauses and the teacher knows it LoL better school then this doesnt exist so <3SPECIALSCHOOLKERIALY
Going to sleep now kthxbye stay in shcool people!
Schools have the ability to make you wiser. Or would you rather live your life being retarded gamer?
then google > school
I don't know many gamers who are pretty smart for what they should be. Alot of the gamers who are true GAMERS don't really attend school and if they do it's something to do with I.T or smth. I quit gaming to study A levels in Architecture, English, Maths and straight line drawing.
[ After a school shooting in Germany on the 20th of November, German Politicians are pointing the finger the direction of violent video games after it was discovered that the criminal played CounterStrike a "killer game". ] <- do like this guys did :>
stop your whine just wait till u have to work fulltimez!
im sitting here @ ICU and im fucking bored as well. nothing to do. :/

but i get money for spamming xfire. isnt that cool? :)
Spam more then! You're not paid for sub-standard spammage, I want to see highly-efficient Yerman spam!
sry but we had an emergency! =P
Free @ friday, wanted to go out and search for a job but it is shitty wether so I'll just stay @ home
ha no school 4 me today
Skipping, lazy bastard.
nope it s like a special day of the catholics
What do you then at this special day then?
nothing! all parts of switzerland who are catholics dont work today :DD
Catholics sound like lazy people!
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